Quand il a déménagé en Allemagne il prenait des cours de yiddish. Si proche de la germanophonie, il est peut-être paradoxale que #Dreyfus s’est plaint lors d’un entretien que ça foutait la confusion dans sa tête qui voulait apprendre les deux : « Der » (yiddish) ou « das Fenster » (allemand) ? Du coup il se demandait s’il y avait un pays au monde où le yiddish était encore langue officielle. Un seul, en fait, oui, et ce n’est pas Israël… Par contre, c’est vraiment n’importe où. 3/5
12 July 1906: Captain Alfred #Dreyfus rehabilitated, declared innocent of treason
"The Triumph of the Jews," read the headline in the newspaper of Édouard Drumont--"the pope of #antisemitism" (the metaphorical Vatican was in France, not Germany, back then)
Entitled, La Libre Parole--Free Speech--it was a key link in a chain of tradition in which extremists claim that they are bravely resisting sinister powers seeking to silence them
#dreyfus #antisemitism #mazeldon
12 July 1906: Captain Alfred #Dreyfus rehabilitated, declared innocent of treason
"The Triumph of the Jews," read the headline in the newspaper of Édouard Drumont--"the pope of #antisemitism" (the metaphorical Vatican was in France, not Germany, back then)
Entitled, La Libre Parole--Free Speech--it was a key link in a chain of tradition in which extremists claim that they are bravely resisting sinister powers seeking to silence them
#dreyfus #antisemitism #mazeldon
12 July 1906: Captain Alfred #Dreyfus rehabilitated, declared innocent of treason
"The Triumph of the Jews," read the headline in the newspaper of Édouard Drumont--"the pope of #antisemitism" (the metaphoprical Vatican was in France, not Germany, back then)
Entitled, La Libre Parole--Free Speech--it was a key link in a chain of tradition in which extremists claim that they are bravely resisting sinister powers seeking to silence them
#dreyfus #antisemitism #mazeldon
Dreyfus vai encerrar exportações de grãos russos a partir de 1º de julho
#soja #russia #graos #dreyfus #agronegocio #forbesagro
Today in Labor History April 2, 1840: Émile Zola, French novelist, playwright, journalist was born. He was also a liberal activist, playing a significant role in the political liberalization of France, and in the exoneration of Alfred Dreyfus, the Jewish army officer falsely convicted and imprisoned on trumped up, antisemitic charges of espionage. He was also a significant influence on mid-20th century journalist-authors, like Thom Wolfe, Truman Capote, Hunter S. Thompson, Norman Mailer and Joan Didion. Wolfe said that his goal in writing fiction was to document contemporary society in the tradition of Steinbeck, Dickens, and Zola.
Zola wrote dozens of novels, but his most famous, Germinal, about a violently repressed coalminers’ strike, is one of the greatest books ever written about working class rebellion. It had a huge influence on future radicals, especially anarchists. Some anarchists named their children Germinal. Rudolf Rocker had a Yiddish-language anarchist journal in London called Germinal, in the 1910s. There were also anarchist papers called Germinal in Mexico and Brazil in the 1910s.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #zola #germinal #anarchism #writer #fiction #strike #dreyfus #rebellion #novel @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #zola #germinal #anarchism #writer #fiction #strike #dreyfus #rebellion #novel
Für den #Dreyfus-Prozess 1899 in #Rennes wurden spezielle #Ansichtskarten aufgelegt, die den Gefängnishof und Dreyfus’ Anwalt zeigten.
#ArthurSchnitzler war ständig am Laufenden, weil #PaulGoldmann als Journalist vor Ort war.
#paulgoldmann #ArthurSchnitzler #Ansichtskarten #Rennes #dreyfus
Today in Labor History February 23, 1898: France imprisoned author Emile Zola for writing J’Accuse, his letter accusing the French government of antisemitism and wrongfully imprisoning Captain Alfred Dreyfus.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #antisemitism #FreeSpeech #prison #dreyfus #zola #author #novel @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #antisemitism #freespeech #prison #dreyfus #zola #author #novel
"La vérité peine toujours à sortir du puits de l’ignorance quand elle est allongée de l’eau de la mauvaise foi."
Dreyfus, Bazaine et la mémoire de 1870. Quand l'instrumentalisation de l'histoire dit une chose puis une autre (voire son contraire), l'exemple de l'affaire Dreyfus en caricatures...
#histodon #mémoires #caricatures #dreyfus #histoire #instrumentalisation #vérité
#Histodon #memoires #caricatures #dreyfus #histoire #instrumentalisation #verite
#French #history. #DeGaulle famously said there has only ever been one #République. If true it began, in my opinion, with the 3rd Rep. Born of blood. Died in blood. But held a steady course through a surprisingly notorious scandalous affair (the Cambridge 5 was potentially far more severe than #Dreyfus yet with scarcely a ripple of constitutional angst). It lasted 70 years. It was functionally efficient and reformative. Its leaders weren’t grand historical figures but competent. #Veiwpoint.🇫🇷
#veiwpoint #dreyfus #republique #degaulle #History #french
The trial of Émile Zola for criminal libel for his defense of wrongfully convicted French officer Alfred Dreyfus was front-page news in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch 125 years ago. But it struggled to discern public opinion, blaming the press: “Where every scribe’s report is colored according to the opinions of himself and of his paper it is a matter of extreme difficulty to diagnose the public feeling through the press reports.”
https://www.newspapers.com/clip/118277056/st-louis-post-dispatch/ #stlouis #dreyfus
Seguendo l'esempio della Coalizione, News Corp e Nine hanno avuto la priorità rispetto ai piccoli editori indipendenti nell'iniziativa "media roundtable" del governo albanese. Lo riferisce Michele Pini.
QUANDO il procuratore generale Mark Dreyfus ha annunciato una tavola rotonda sui media nazion...
#28Gennaio #exclusive #dreyfus
#dreyfus #exclusive #28gennaio
After the often humorous account of the chance encounter of Jupien & #deCharlus (I think one of #literature’s monsters), then the #hermaphroditism metaphor, the narration turns to the odious #Guermantes’ soirée. I just want to note (subjectively) that this passage is akin to a #stilllife/naturalemorte. The #Dreyfus affair holds this part together. One might say ‘animates’ the treatment. But it is a characteristically well-worked still/life of the 3e #République.
#republique #dreyfus #stilllife #Guermantes #hermaphroditism #literature #decharlus
Today in Labor History January 13, 1898: Émile Zola's J'accuse…! exposed the Dreyfus affair. The scandal began in 1894 when the state convicted Captain Alfred Dreyfus of treason. He was a 35-year-old French artillery officer of Jewish descent, falsely convicted for espionage and imprisoned in Devil’s Island in French Guiana. Émile Zola’s open letter “J’Accuse” helped build a movement of support for Dreyfus, putting pressure on the government to reopen the case. In 1899, Dreyfus was returned to France, retried and convicted again, but was pardoned and released.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #antisemitism #prison #france #dreyfus #zola #Jaccuse #treason #jewish @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #antisemitism #prison #france #dreyfus #zola #Jaccuse #treason #jewish
RT @Letnapark@twitter.com
13.1.1898 Émile #Zola veröffentlicht seinen Offenen Brief J’accuse…! zur #Dreyfus-Affäre: führt zu Wiederaufnahme des Verfahrens gegen Alfred Dreyfus, seine Rehabilitation - & zu Schikanen gg Zola selbst, u.a. Anklage wg „Diffamierung“.
Devise: "Ich bin hier, um laut zu leben."
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Letnapark/status/1613806505538502657
I haven’t got the next instalment after #SodometGomorrhe. There’s an insufferable soiree at which The #Narrator acquires a position of increasing influence as masks are lowered. The #Dreyfus affair again raises its unstable literary head. I thought a timely pause to go back to this ⬇️. Issue about CKS Montcrieff’s translation of quoted speech (esp. pertaining to the largely insufferable and absurd de Charlus). But Proust’s ALRDTP is like the Bible or Shakespeare. One’s never done with them.
#dreyfus #narrator #sodometgomorrhe
I haven’t got the next instalment after
#SodometGomorrhe. There’s an insufferable soiree at which The #Narrator acquires a position of increasing influence as masks are lowered. The #Dreyfus affair again raises its unstable literary head. I thought a timely pause to go back to this ⬇️. Issue about CKS Montcrieff’s translation of quoted speech (esp. pertaining to the largely insufferable and absurd de Charlus). But Proust’s ALRDTP is like the Bible or Shakespeare. One’s never done with them.
#dreyfus #narrator #sodometgomorrhe
Today in Labor History January 5, 1895: The authorities stripped French Jewish army officer Alfred Dreyfus of his rank and sentenced him to life imprisonment on Devil's Island for treason in a show trial seeped in antisemitism. Many spoke out against the antisemitic Dreyfus affair, including Emile Zola, Anatole France, Durkheim, Monet and Proust. However, he still spent years on Devil’s Island before the state gave him a retrial and eventually rehabilitated him. In response, Zola published his letter "J'Accuse...!" on the front page of the newspaper L'Aurore, accusing his government of antisemitism and the unlawful jailing of Dreyfus. The French government then convicted Zola of libel. He fled to England to avoid imprisonment.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #antisemitism #prison #zola #dreyfus #jewish #proust
#workingclass #LaborHistory #antisemitism #prison #zola #dreyfus #jewish #proust
Sad news: "the passing of Professor Michael R. Marrus (1941-2022), Chancellor Rose & Ray Wolfe Professor Emeritus of #Holocaust Studies at the University of Toronto....
"works include The Politics of Assimilation: A Study of the #French #Jewish Community at the Time of the #Dreyfus Affair (1971); with Robert Paxton, #Vichy France & the Jews (1981); The Unwanted: European #Refugees in the Twentieth Century (1985); The #Holocaust in History (1987)"
#holocaust #french #jewish #dreyfus #vichy #refugees