A quotation from Ash, Mary Kay:
Just as you drifted through an entire day without a plan and accomplished nothing, some people drift through their entire lives. They do it one day at a time, one week at a time, and one month at a time. The months run into years and span a life. It happens so gradually that they are unaware of how their lives are slipping by them until it’…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #carpediem #drifting #plan
DRIFT21 The Summer Trip Update Released
https://racesimcentral.net/drift21-the-summer-trip-update-released/ #drifting #drift21 #driftce
OG plays Inertial Drift!
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#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #InertialDrift #indieracers #drifting #IndieGameTrends #IndieWatch #IndieDev #GameDev #IndieGameDev #IndieGame #IndieGames #Gameplay #letsplay #gamer #gaming #youtube
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #inertialdrift #indieracers #drifting #indiegametrends #indiewatch #indiedev #gamedev #indiegamedev #indiegame #indiegames #gameplay #letsplay #gamer #gaming #youtube
OG plays Drift King!
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#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #racing #driving #drifting #sports #indieracers #IndieGameTrends #IndieWatch #IndieDev #GameDev #IndieGameDev #IndieGame #IndieGames #Gameplay
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #racing #driving #drifting #sports #indieracers #indiegametrends #indiewatch #indiedev #gamedev #indiegamedev #indiegame #indiegames #gameplay
In 2019 I visited Gymkhana Grid finals in Warsaw (comptitive car drifting event organized by Ken Block) and I took lots of photos. However, I didn't manage to process or publish them + one of the memory cards I had used got corrupt.
In 2023 I randomly checked all my memory cards while looking for something else and OH MY GOD
And since I had a freakin' 70-200/2.8 and a monopod, those photos are JUICY.
#photography #drifting #gymkhana #cars #KenBlock
I seem to never have a reason to actually go anywhere anymore.
Aimless floating ghosts roaming streets in pale sunlight.
Watching people and days drift by.
Wondering if they know.
#Poetry #MastodonPoetry #Poem #MastodonPoets #Poet #Writing #PoetsOfMastodon #Poets #WritersOfMastodon #Pinewood #PoetsSociety #Coffee
#Human #Drifting
#Poetry #mastodonpoetry #poem #MastodonPoets #poet #writing #poetsofmastodon #poets #writersofmastodon #pinewood #poetssociety #coffee #human #drifting
What does that actually mean?
'Having your shit together?'
All I did was watching clouds and weather
(the storms).
Drifting one way or another.
#Poetry #MastodonPoetry #Poem #MastodonPoets #Poet #Writing #PoetsOfMastodon #Poets #WritersOfMastodon #Pinewood #PoetsSociety #Coffee
#Storms #Drifting #HavingYourShitTogether
#Poetry #mastodonpoetry #poem #MastodonPoets #poet #writing #poetsofmastodon #poets #writersofmastodon #pinewood #poetssociety #coffee #storms #drifting #havingyourshittogether
Det finnes nivå av Allheimen.
Allheimen er verda. #allheimen
Allheimen er inndelt i målheimar. Angloheim er for det engelske mål og Nordheim er for norske mål. Det er eit målheim for kvart mål. #nordheim
Allheimen er óg inndelt i samfunn. Desse kan vera store som mastodon.social med hundretusenar av borgarar. Desse samfunna er styrt av styrar og drifta av driftaren. Driftaren kan vera styraren. #drifting #styring
Eit menneskje på Allheimen heitte borgar. #BorgarTips
#allheimen #nordheim #drifting #styring #borgartips #jord
@cbt @amici @tutotekaren @admin Samfunnstrukturen Barcelona frå Meta kjem til å nytta ActivityPub. Det tydar at dei kjem til å ble ein del av den samsnakkande Allheimen.
Meta er ein øydeleggjande kraft, me må ta sterk avstand og blokkera dei om dei skulle ynkje å samsnakka.
Stopp koloniseringa. Blokker imperialistar på Allheimen✊✊✊
#BlokkerImperialistar #BlokkerMeta #BlokkerBarcelona #drifting
#blokkerimperialistar #blokkermeta #blokkerbarcelona #drifting
For my sins and given I was awake early I'm watching the drifting live from Japan
The Japanese adverts are something else altogether
#motorsport #motorsports #drifting
リアル頭文字D!サヤカFDをGET⁈ シルエイティでFDと峠ドリフトバトル!Real Initiald Sileighty & FD3S drift Touge battle! https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1708177/model/
#D1 #D1GP #d1lights #d1ライツ #DRIFT #Drifting #game #Sayaka #shimoda #WRC #ゲーム #ドリフト #レース #下田さやか #下田紗弥加 #佐藤琢磨 #土屋圭市 #女性ドライバー #織戸学 #角田裕毅 #谷口信輝 #谷口紗耶香 #頭文字D
#d1 #D1GP #d1lights #d1ライツ #drift #drifting #game #sayaka #shimoda #wrc #ゲーム #ドリフト #レース #下田さやか #下田紗弥加 #佐藤琢磨 #土屋圭市 #女性ドライバー #織戸学 #角田裕毅 #谷口信輝 #谷口紗耶香 #頭文字d
veni, vidi, vici
The picture plays with the contrast between the triumphant "Veni, vidi, vici" and the fleeting nature of power through the image of drifting tire marks on an abandoned corporate carpark.
#Photo #Photography #Sky #Cloud #Tire #TireMarks #Tree #Asphalt #ParkingLot #Landscape #Freezing #Plant #Tintsandshades #Impermanence #FleetingPower #TransientAccomplishments #Contrast #Rebellion #AbandonedSuccess #Drifting #MetaphoricalRepresentation #TemporaryThrill #PostCapitalist
#photo #photography #sky #cloud #tire #tiremarks #tree #asphalt #parkinglot #landscape #freezing #plant #tintsandshades #impermanence #fleetingpower #transientaccomplishments #contrast #rebellion #abandonedsuccess #drifting #metaphoricalrepresentation #temporarythrill #postcapitalist
ドリフトを知らないアナウンサーをサヤカのD1マシンに乗せてみた!【 下田紗弥加 D1GP】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1666500/model/
#D1 #D1GP #d1lights #d1ライツ #DRIFT #Drifting #game #Sayaka #shimoda #WRC #ゲーム #ドリフト #レース #下田さやか #下田紗弥加 #佐藤琢磨 #土屋圭市 #女性ドライバー #織戸学 #角田裕毅 #谷口信輝 #谷口紗耶香 #頭文字D
#d1 #D1GP #d1lights #d1ライツ #drift #drifting #game #sayaka #shimoda #wrc #ゲーム #ドリフト #レース #下田さやか #下田紗弥加 #佐藤琢磨 #土屋圭市 #女性ドライバー #織戸学 #角田裕毅 #谷口信輝 #谷口紗耶香 #頭文字d
Commission for Nickfound of his protogen sona drifting in a pipe kart!
Protogens by CoolKoinu
#drifting #mariokart #protogen #MastoArt #swiftyukiart
The protest is in the poetry.
Dig Vinyl radio show on Melodic Distraction
#drifting #jeffyoung #melodicdistraction
【総再生140万回】サヤカ最後の戦い!D1ライツを振り返る【 2022 D1LIGHTS 下田紗弥加 ドキュメンタリー 】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1644757/model/
#D1 #D1GP #d1lights #d1ライツ #DRIFT #Drifting #game #Sayaka #shimoda #WRC #ゲーム #ドリフト #レース #下田さやか #下田紗弥加 #佐藤琢磨 #土屋圭市 #女性ドライバー #織戸学 #角田裕毅 #谷口信輝 #谷口紗耶香 #頭文字D
#d1 #D1GP #d1lights #drifting #sayaka #織戸学 #wrc #ゲーム #ドリフト #レース #頭文字d #d1ライツ #drift #下田さやか #下田紗弥加 #土屋圭市 #女性ドライバー #角田裕毅 #谷口信輝 #谷口紗耶香 #game #shimoda #佐藤琢磨
AI-based drifting? Yes! In this paper the authors use Vehicle Physics Pro with a deep neural network to drift in arbitrary trajectories.
VPP is the reference [16].
#Unity3D #MadeWithUnity #Drifting #DeepLearning #Research #AI #DeepNeuralNetworks
#deepneuralnetworks #ai #research #deeplearning #drifting #madewithunity #unity3d
DRIFTCE Announced For Spring 2023 Console Release
https://racesimcentral.net/driftce-announced-for-spring-2023-console-release/ #drifting #simracing #driftce