As talented as LP is, Tao should’ve won Drink Masters #netflix #DrinkMasters
Finally watching #DrinkMasters on Netflix and ... there's a lot of eye candy in it. Oh, and it's pretty cool.
Mám teď období, kdy se koukám na #Netflix mnohem víc než normálně - a často sleduju reality shows. Po několika kulinářských (#DrinkMasters a #Final Table) jsem sjel celého Agenta (#The Mole) a dost mě to bavilo. Flashbacky na Pevnost Boyard s atraktivním konceptem záškodníka mezi soutěžícími.
Osypky mám jen z toho, jaká musela být uhlíková stopa při natáčení - nesmyslné přejezdy cik cak napříč celou východní Austrálií.
#netflix #drinkmasters #final #the
If you gave the judges a nice cup of Welch's but you *really* hyped it up, would they think it is fancy? #liveblogging #DrinkMasters
Watching #DrinkMasters on netflix as I knit. As a person who does not, and has never drank alcohol, nor spent any/much time in bars etc, I find this show *fascinating*. #liveblogging
Saturday workout is awesome, they say 🤷♂️
#Drinking #drunkornotdrunk #drinkmasters
Why is it that when I'm sick my body insists on not letting me get more that 3-4 hours sleep.
Currently binging #drinkmasters on netflix and have a strong urge for cocktails 🍸
Yesterday with my #gf decided to finish our night with #Netflix.
We wanted to watch something easy-going and so firstly, we chose #DrinkMasters and after #GetSmartWithMoney.
No depth at all. Pointless, meaningless, poorly prepared arguments and advice. For example, an advice was to separate your expenses into 4 categories: needed, loved, wanted, liked (!).
Really, people want so cheap shows?
PS: Don't misread me, please. Almost every day, I visit 9gag and entertain myself!
#getsmartwithmoney #drinkmasters #Netflix #gf
Yesterday with my #gf decided to finish our night with #Netflix.
We wanted to watch something easy-going and so firstly, we chose #DrinkMasters and after #GetSmartWithMoney.
No depth at all. Pointless, meaningless, poorly prepared arguments and advice. For example, an advice was to separate your expenses into 4 categories: needed, loved, wanted, liked (!).
Really, people want so cheap shows?
PS: Don't misread me, please. Almost every day, I visit 9gag and entertain myself!
#getsmartwithmoney #drinkmasters #Netflix #gf