A better shot of the roses and other flowering things going into overdrive here in this lovely little park.
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #queerspoonie
Pleased to see that the rose trellises have filled out nicely since last I stopped by this park. Also neat to see there are tours of the fleurs 🌹
And also neat to be able to see through my windshield for a change (though the pine resin is still resistant) 😖
#WindshieldPhotography #roses #RoseGarden #DriveByPhotography #spoonie #QueerSpoonie
#windshieldphotography #roses #rosegarden #drivebyphotography #spoonie #queerspoonie
Out and about for a rare two-days-in-row venturing out of the Lair, to take care of more medical stuff. Feels like I spent most of the summer hiding from smoke, heat, and germs; and now here's the trees starting to turn already. Ah well.
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #queerspoonie
Between the heat wave and the wildfire smoke, it's been something like two weeks since I last made it out of my lair and over to my favorite accessible riverside hang. The temperature is actually quite delightful for a change, so I'll put up with the still somewhat crunchy air.
#DriveByPhotography #spoonielife #rivers #spoonie #QueerSpoonie #oregon
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie #oregon
Glad I had an appointment to get me out of the lair, or else I would have missed all this lovely sunshine at my favorite accessible riverside hang.
#DriveByPhotography #SpoonieLife #rivers #spoonie #QueerSpoonie #oregon
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie #oregon
I have once again achieved escape velocity from the lair, and am taking some sun and caffeine at my favorite accessible riverside hang. Not shown: a number of adorable doggos out walking their humans. 😎
#DrivebyPhotography #SpoonieLife #rivers #spoonie #QueerSpoonie
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie
Snatching some time at my favorite accessible riverside hang in between needful errands on a relatively cooler day. Feels like it's been a couple of weeks since last I ventured out of my little lair. That's probably not the best thing for my mental health, but so it goes.
#DriveByPhotography #spoonielife #rivers #spoonie #QueerSpoonie
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie
The jaunt continues.
#DrivebyPhotography #SpoonieLife #oregon #QueerSpoonie #spoonie
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #oregon #queerspoonie #spoonie
My lair-escape is turning into an actual jaunt along the backroads.
#DrivebyPhotography #SpoonieLife #oregon #QueerSpoonie #spoonie
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #oregon #queerspoonie #spoonie
Made it out of the lair again, determined to get some enjoyment out of this refreshingly cool and cloudy Monday.
#DriveByPhotography #SpoonieLife #rivers #spoonie #QueerSpoonie #oregon
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie #oregon
Moseyed over to another favorite accessible park while I continue to contemplate the day.
#DrivebyPhotography #SpoonieLife #rivers #spoonie #QueerSpoonie #oregon
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie #oregon
It's been nearly two weeks since I last made it out to my favorite accessible riverside hang, between the recent heat wave plus assorted CrankyBod<tm> weirdnesses. But today so far is refreshingly cool, so I'm going to tool around and enjoy it as much as I can manage.
#DrivebyPhotography #SpoonieLife #rivers #spoonie #QueerSpoonie #oregon
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie #oregon
Dougan #Lake in #CobbleHill on #VancouverIsland in #BritishColumbia #Canada . Very small lake, accessed from off island highway. One of the many South island lakes which are annually stocked with trout.
Drive by photograph.
#vanisle #freshwater #VanIsleFishingSpots #BCfishing #PNW #PacificNorthwest #landscape #scenery #SeenFromTheCar #DriveByPhotography
#lake #cobblehill #vancouverisland #britishcolumbia #canada #vanisle #freshwater #vanislefishingspots #bcfishing #pnw #pacificnorthwest #landscape #scenery #seenfromthecar #drivebyphotography
First visit to my favorite riverside hang in something like two weeks? Time flies when you're having, as I like to say (word omission intended).
#DrivebyPhotography #SpoonieLife #rivers #spoonie #QueerSpoonie #oregon
#drivebyphotography #spoonielife #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie #oregon
The essential errand that pried me out of my lair done, I now contemplate nature some more ... as well as lunch.
#drivebyphotography #spoonie #queerspoonie #roses #parks
On this pollinated but sunny day, I find myself reflecting on the choking darkness-at-noon madness I witnessed during San Diego's 2003 Cedar Fire, and mourning today's fires in Canada. Watching the climate crisis accelerate in my own lifetime... sigh. Words fail.
#DrivebyPhotography #rivers #spoonie #QueerSpoonie #ClimateCrisis
#drivebyphotography #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie #climatecrisis
Vague aspirations to drive out to a Pride celebration on the Oregon coast have conceded to the reality of my bod's energy level today. But I did at least make it out of the lair, which I'm content to count as something. ☺
#drivebyphotography #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie #pride
Out and about at the ol' accessible riverside hang for the first time since Pride Month started. Just enjoying existing while queer and disabled. :heart_transgender:
#drivebyphotography #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie #pride
My pollen-assaulted eyes are not so sure this was a good idea, but the rest of me is glad I hauled the CrankyBod out here today.
#drivebyphotography #rivers #spoonie #queerspoonie