DUI arrest prompted Key Biscayne officer to draw taser :
The police report says the case began when an officer saw that a Ford F-150 pickup truck almost lost control when the driver made a U-turn on Crandon Boulevard.
#Alcohol #Drivingundertheinfluence #DUI #EdwinMedinaVargas #FrankSousa #KBPD #Taser
#Miami #news
#alcohol #drivingundertheinfluence #dui #edwinmedinavargas #franksousa #kbpd #taser #miami #News
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Sober Women and the Fear of Becoming Boring https://jezebel.com/sober-women-pop-culture-1850332247 #Jezebel #drivingundertheinfluence #entertainment2cculture #alcoholicsanonymous #substanceabuse #caradelevingne #chrissyteigen #drewbarrymore #sexandthecity #britneyspears #ericacbarnett #jessicajones #mariasherman #alcoholabuse #samanthafink #lindsaylohan #simonefinch #clarepooley #sarahhepola #normanmaine #ruebennett #alcoholism #sarahlevy #sobriety
#jezebel #drivingundertheinfluence #entertainment2cculture #alcoholicsanonymous #substanceabuse #caradelevingne #chrissyteigen #drewbarrymore #sexandthecity #britneyspears #ericacbarnett #jessicajones #mariasherman #alcoholabuse #samanthafink #lindsaylohan #simonefinch #clarepooley #sarahhepola #normanmaine #ruebennett #alcoholism #sarahlevy #sobriety