Whistling Treason · @WhistlingTreason
184 followers · 337 posts · Server mstdn.social
Chris Bond · @Vibracobra23
237 followers · 225 posts · Server mastodon.social

The Cist in Cairn R1 of the Drizzlecombe Complex on Dartmoor, Devon. Photographed from the south-south-east on 28 August 1994.

#drizzlecombe #cists #dartmoor #devon #TombTuesday

Last updated 2 years ago

Whistling Treason · @WhistlingTreason
37 followers · 41 posts · Server mstdn.social

I've been away , , and taking photos of ancient monuments. Here's a , or from the evocatively named on for . There's a lot of them on the moor, but many marked on the OS map appear to have either sunk beneath the peat, been hidden by grass and bracken, or otherwise vanished.

#burial #grave #tomb #standingstone #prehistory #History #TombTuesday #dartmoor #drizzlecombe #cist #kist #kistvæn #bronzeage #wildcamping #hiking

Last updated 2 years ago

Whistling Treason · @WhistlingTreason
184 followers · 337 posts · Server mstdn.social

I've been away , , and taking photos of ancient monuments. Here's a , or from the evocatively named on for . There's a lot of them on the moor, but many marked on the OS map appear to have either sunk beneath the peat, been hidden by grass and bracken, or otherwise vanished.

#burial #grave #tomb #standingstone #prehistory #History #TombTuesday #dartmoor #drizzlecombe #cist #kist #kistvæn #bronzeage #wildcamping #hiking

Last updated 2 years ago