A description of Hodge, Dr. Samuel Johnson's cat, by James Boswell:
“I never shall forget the indulgence with which he treated Hodge, his cat: for whom he himself used to go out and buy oysters, lest the servants having that trouble should take a dislike to the poor creature.” - Boswell’s Life of Johnson (1791).
📷 lauranolte - http://blog.lauranolte.com/2011/04/londons-cat-statues.html
#cats #drjohnson #boswell #lifeofjohnson
"I observed, that though we are satisfied his doctrine is not true, it is impossible to refute it. I never shall forget the alacrity with which Johnson answered, striking his foot with mighty force against alarge stone, till he rebounded from it, ‘I refute it THUS.’" - #DrJohnson's attempted refutation of #Berkeley as recorded by Boswell.
The reason this doesn't work as an argument is outlined in this post, with bonus #JonathanSwift and #EdmundBurke
#drjohnson #berkeley #jonathanswift #edmundburke #irishphilosophy