William Hughes · @wdhughes
20 followers · 457 posts · Server universeodon.com


... It's a great descriptor. I think would've called it being a would've called it

However you think about it, the hundreds of years spent building a where it was generally rational not to fear strangers are unraveling.

Thinking on my life, the beginning of the end was probably . The completely made up epidemic of child abductions by strangers. I'm not saying no child got abducted. But children usually get abducted by people they know, not strangers.

So kids who grew up in the have kids of their own now, and they're in their 40s, many are watching FOX News today, hearing the "world is dangerous" message for decades, and ignoring their . No one they know has been abducted or killed by strangers. , fear, and more fear.

And a stranger suddenly appears, and they have a , so they shoot them first.

#anonymoustrust #mrrogers #neighbor #drking #brotherhood #america #society #strangerdanger #1980s #lyingeyes #fear #gun #gunsafety #trustyourneighbors

Last updated 2 years ago

SDest · @DestinieA
23 followers · 267 posts · Server urbanists.social

I did credit with this quote, but his photo in this post was too small for WP to show, despite being the Featured Image.


Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Bealing · @mikebealing
457 followers · 600 posts · Server home.social

Martin, Fidel, Jack and Malcolm.
Tees by Sillytees  
Tees by Sillytees bit.ly/3ILxaNN

#blackhistorymonth #jfk #fidelcastro #drking #mlk #malcolmx #blm

Last updated 2 years ago

ProudMiller · @millerpeace
0 followers · 3 posts · Server kolektiva.social

One-Sided Friendship, AmeriKKKan Style

Dilemma: How do I reach a self-described "progressive" who speaks, votes, & bullies the "uppity" like MLK's ?

How do I ask them why USians who quote and do service for his birthday become ENRAGED when a , as did from a Birmingham jail in1963, talks about the obstructive reality that well-meaning whites (or so they say) have been to us for more than 400 years?

SICK of bowing and scraping to protect the feelings of those who simply don't think or truly care about the real-life reality of daily suffering endured by the working-poor service class, particularly if those unlucky Have-Nots are Black or brown. Do they care about their inferior, less privileged friend? If so, only conditionally. "Be smooth and whitelike, er, CLEAN like Obama, so you fit in, but know you'll never be accepted or equal. Yes, existence is hell, the daily microaggressions will push you to an early grave. But don't show them that. They won't like it and and they only care that YOU care about THEM. Just smile and serve them and look like you're enthusiastic. Make sure THEY get what they need and say how great THEY are."

Yuck. Hard as hell to be melanated in a white country.

Now, there are nice people among the Unwarranted Default and some want nice things for the lessers. Some have really good intentions to make things peaceful (negative peace), in the "Negroes and mulattoes, don't you make waves, now" sense. "We need change, but not too much or too fast, we can't handle that, and you'll be ok... We'll tell you what's good for you. Now, just keep praising us, being grateful that you're enslaved here, er, a citizen, and voting Democratic! And get to work, I need a latte!"

Karen and Ken's alleged good intentions are nice, and thanks for them, but if you're telling people who don't consider you an ally that you are whether or not they agree, if you're telling them to vote for and praise the very entity hurting them, their family, and their community the same way it has done historically... the very entity promising no one's standard of living will change (as if that is a good thing), I question your intentions and your friendship and decency. Is there any other option?

Update: Replied to the outrage from a "friend" with a ridiculously measured, polite, respectful, reasonable, almost deferential -- omg, that was difficult and humiliating -- response and rebuttal. They responded with "eff off." This is a friend?

Look, fellow POC: If you make a member of the nervous, if you don't play your role as they expect and demand, with RARE exception, they will not listen to you, they will not care (or perhaps they will treat you badly because they know deep down that the system is wrong and the question and their complicity with evil will be too overwhelming for them to bear). In most cases, they will insult you or dump you. One way or another, ultimately, they will hurt you. That's how this country WORKS. Happens in one-sided friendships where the societally inferior person doesn't always grok the power dynamic. Happens in MARRIAGES; talk to me about mine. Woe to those who don't submit to the Unwarranted Default. Those you thought were friends will remind you of the pecking order SUPER quickly, even as they are SHOCKED, SHOCKED that you would DARE think such a pecking order exists in the Greatest Imperfect Union on Earth. They mean well, or think/say they do. But they do harm and they will cause pain in order to keep the AmeriKKKan reality that plagues you far away from them. Likely for their own sanity. So protect yourself. Never silence yourself or play Stepin Fetchit. But know that if you do share your honest concerns, a real friend, even if they disagree, won't attack, they will try to understand. They will listen. They will have your back even if they don't agree. And these real friends are EXCEEDINGLY RARE. Proceed with all caution.

Most "friends" will disappoint you in the end cos doing otherwise is too big a lift for them to manage. My parents warned me 50 years ago. Turns out they were correct.

#whitemoderate #mlk #poc #drking #unwarranteddefault #navigatingwhitesupremacyforthenonwhite #conformordie #dontmakethemnervous #mindyourplace #illtellyouwhatsbestforyou #nolongeragoodone #plantationnation #centristsaretherealdanger #listentophilochs #philochs #arefriendsfriends #charliebrownisoverlucy #greenpartyonly #blacklivesmatter #dilemma #needadvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Susan A. Kitchens · @susankitchens
332 followers · 787 posts · Server masto.ai

@ai6yr just came across some {expletive deleted} company quoting while doing layoffs, which led me to look up a few quotes. Here’s a quote for this moment:

“We must rapidly begin the shift from a ‘thing-oriented’ society to a ‘person-oriented’ society.”
—Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

#mlk #drking

Last updated 2 years ago

Dispactké · @dispactke
69 followers · 60 posts · Server blacktwitter.io

National Action Network (annual!) Dr. King remembrance and political spirit crystalization Part II...


#revsharpton #nationalactionnetwork #nan #kingday #drking

Last updated 2 years ago

MinKnockout · @opium4themasses
196 followers · 566 posts · Server sfba.social

This , I heard someone at work day they were against students getting the day off today.

Why a day celebrating and his legacy? Because he is one of the few American heroes that is actually a hero. He lived up to his promises, in his struggles against systemic racism. Because black people exist today and they still suffer from . And because if the government can oppress any of us, they can oppress all of us.

#MLKday #drking #systemicracism

Last updated 2 years ago

Dispactké · @dispactke
69 followers · 59 posts · Server blacktwitter.io

National Action Network (annual!) Dr. King remembrance and political spirit crystalization FULL of local and national politicians (fuck them!) trying to nevertheless pull it all together in an almost DIY "straight up" kind of celebration...


#revsharpton #nationalactionnetwork #nan #kingday #drking

Last updated 2 years ago

Jaysen Waller · @JaysenWaller
53 followers · 79 posts · Server mindly.social

deep bows of gratitude for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. this day and everyday.
he called for a way of Being Love in this world, a true prophetic message.
may his vision arise, may hearts open, may it be so.



#mlkjr #drking #martinlutherkingjr #revolutionary #belovedcommunity #equality #justice #socialjustice #healing #transformation #love #service #openheart #engagedbuddhism #jinpalhaga

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Hogan 浩勤 · @TimInHonolulu
2617 followers · 3527 posts · Server mstdn.social

1. I was 15 when was assassinated. I feared it was coming. He thought it was. 1968 was a terrible year. January 30, 1968, the Tet Offensive put the war on the news in a way that made Vietnam no longer a policy choice for Americans. Russia and China had


Last updated 2 years ago

Bellis Coldwine · @BellisColdwine
282 followers · 1315 posts · Server universeodon.com

“[W]e are saying that something is wrong … with capitalism…. There must be better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.” – Dr. King speech to his staff, 1966.

#drking #mlk

Last updated 2 years ago

They Call Me Dr. Breaux · @doctorjaymarie
186 followers · 455 posts · Server mastodon.world

I can't believe I neglected to include Xernona Clayton. Google her too y'all.

My memory's not what it used to be. I'll probably remember more names and add to this list.

Also, when you use Google, please select a trusted information source. Several years back there was a KKK created page on containing nothing but lies. I got in a huge fight in a FB group with the guy that posted it, but that's another story...


Last updated 2 years ago

David Kaufman · @DavidKaufman
21 followers · 764 posts · Server newsie.social

@augieray was a drum major for justice while so many ducked and hid. The reasons we celebrade him and his legacy remain little understood by most Americans. Will his legacy be written out of Texas schoolbooks?


Last updated 2 years ago

They Call Me Dr. Breaux · @doctorjaymarie
171 followers · 418 posts · Server mastodon.world


My personal favorite (and typically mis-quoted) truth spoken by the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr. was to journalists prior to a speech delivered at the annual meeting of the Medical Committee for Human Rights. Dr. King's theme was disparate medical care received by Blacks. He said:

#mlkjrday #healthequity #blackmastodon #BlackFedi #drking

Last updated 2 years ago

Masto.poetry · @Mastopoet
211 followers · 1091 posts · Server h-net.social

As we approach Dr. King Day,

My fellow "good white folks"
if we truly want to honor the life and death of Dr. King,
we need to fight like hell for equity and reparations
for non white folks today, especially Black folks.
If we arent doing that,
we are just politely dressed Bull Connors.

#equity #justice #drking

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Wyner · @markwyner
294 followers · 237 posts · Server mas.to

Bernice King shared this photo on Twitter, asking folks to boost it to cleanse our timelines of the mayhem. Love to see it, so I thought I’d share it here as well.

#drking #timelinecleanse #mlk

Last updated 2 years ago