The costumes are on point too 👍🏼
Now it dives into the family's dynamycs.
Karen is a determined, albeit frail, woman. She hurts & uses who's around to keep afloat.
The family reactions are tot relatable, nevertheless you hope for her to succeed and they do too.
The way this ensemble of characters is written, with their shades and complexity, is worth watching. They're not annoyingly stereotypical, neither is the main one.
#drommeren #tvseries #ConnieNielsen
Loving the set design & cinematography so far 😗
Nice pacing too.
It reminds me of The Hours - in its VW's portion, visually but also for the themes it touches on: writing, mental health, independence...
...and then also the typical themes of period: economic crisis, crumbling colonialism, changing society & costumes.
Females characters take center scene, but this won't surprise anyone 🙂
#drommeren #ConnieNielsen #tvseries
Drømmeren (Memórias de uma escritora)
Vi, gostei muito, recomendo e fiquei com vontade de rever o “Out of Africa”, mas não vai ser hoje.
Hoje aguarda-me Margrete: Rainha do Norte []
#cinema #filmes #séries #tvseries #Drømmeren #Margrete #filmin #KarenBlixen
#cinema #filmes #series #tvseries #drommeren #margrete #filmin #karenblixen #trombalazana