Day 0 (travel and hiking) and Day 1 (lectures) are in the books. Excellent information and people, as always. I am following the educators track, working to improve my teaching methods and content.

In other news, Coast Redwoods are massive and amazing.


Last updated 1 year ago

Looking forward to my fourth year at DroneCamp next week. This event is a joint effort by the Univ of California, CSU, and Monterey Bay DART. The presentations tend to focus on drone mapping for academics, agriculture, and conservation.

I'll be giving the workshop on ODM/WebODM and just generally helping out where I can.

#drone #drones #uav #opendronemap #odm #WebODM #dronemapping #monterey #dronecamp #dronecamp2023 #dronecampcap #dronecampca2023

Last updated 1 year ago