I'm releasing a preview version v0.15.0 of #OpenAthena for Android to get feedback from drone pilots.
The software allows you to tap to locate any point in a drone image. Your feedback will improve accuracy of the app.
#DJI #dronephotography #drones #dronetechnology #searchandrescue #dronecode
#openathena #dji #dronephotography #drones #dronetechnology #searchandrescue #dronecode
Managed to catch part of #OpenSource #Drones mini-summit at #OSSummit yesterday (while hosting #Ansible #Hacktoberfest at the same time). Learnt about #PX4Autopilot https://px4.io/ #Dronecode https://www.dronecode.org/ and #ModalAI https://www.modalai.com/
Intriguing stuff. Will need to find some time to explore these projects.
#opensource #drones #ossummit #ansible #hacktoberfest #PX4Autopilot #dronecode #ModalAI