A #Dropattack #pixel_dailies Kinda reminds me of a simpler version of those epic fight stickmen animations from the early 2000s. #pixelart
#Pixelart #pixel_dailies #dropattack
I had my first #Menieres #DropAttack this time 6 days ago, and for the first time since, I feel close to normal again. #Tinnitus is still louder than my baseline, but subsiding compared to yesterday. And I'm on leave until a week-Monday, so I'm looking forward to some real rest.
#menieres #dropattack #tinnitus
A reflection: I’m the wrong side of the frustrations I’m going to accumulate, so I can’t fully appreciate what not driving will do to my life; I’m yet to fall and do myself harm; I’m yet to pause before doing something, fearful that an unannounced #DropAttack may derail my plans entirely.
Instead, I feel hope.
I’m going to beat #MenieresDisease, and I’ll be so much more than it’s stolen from me; because it’s forced me to consider who I am, and find value in my foundations.
I earned a new Meniere’s merit badge today: First Drop Attack! 🙌
I was half way down the stairs when it happens, fell into the wall, and managed to get to the bottom without harming myself. For the minority of sufferers that experience them, they often manifest in the later stages. So on the upside, I may be close to being through this thing; the downside is that I can’t now drive for a while.
#MenieresDisease #VestibularDysfunction #DropAttack #ChronicIllness
#menieresdisease #vestibulardysfunction #dropattack #chronicillness