32 years ago:
Drop Dead Fred (GB,US)
When Elizabeth returns to her mother's home after her marriage breaks up, she recreates her imaginary childhood friend, Fred, to escape from the trauma of losing her husband and her job. In between the chaos and mayhem that Fred creates, Elizabeth attempts to win back her husband and return to norma...
#DropDeadFred #PhoebeCates #RikMayall #MarshaMason #Film
#dropdeadfred #phoebecates #rikmayall #marshamason #film
1) #BTTF2
2) #1408
3) #DetectivePikachu
4) #FreeGuy
5) #IntolerableCruelty
6) #Matrix
7) #DropDeadFred
There's many many more tbh, but you get the jist - brain noodling, #clever and #daft are what I go for.
Oh and special mention for #Ghostbusters 2016. Hell yes there were many issues, not least the writing, but it gave us #Holtzman.
#Weird girl representation in a Hollywood film and she wasn't a manic pixie dream girl to support a male character!
#7filmstoknowme #bttf2 #detectivepikachu #FreeGuy #intolerablecruelty #matrix #dropdeadfred #clever #daft #ghostbusters #holtzman #weird