Proud to be a signatory to an open letter from SA’s arts sector to Adelaide Botanic Gardens calling for an end to #Santos sponsorship of the Museum of Economic Botany. Add your name at
#DropSantos #Artwashing #StopArtwashing #ArtsSponsorship #EthicalSponsorship #EthicalFundraising #CorporateSponsorship #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #ClimateAction #FossilFuelFree
#santos #dropsantos #artWashing #stopartwashing #artssponsorship #ethicalsponsorship #ethicalfundraising #corporatesponsorship #climateemergency #climatejustice #ClimateAction #FossilFuelFree
PUBLISHED TODAY: An open letter signed by 70 South Australian artists, writers and arts workers calling on the Adelaide Botanic Gardens to drop Santos sponsorship of the #MuseumOfEconomicBotany.
#DropSantos #StopArtwashing #ClimateEmergency
You can still add your name via the Overland post.
#museumofeconomicbotany #dropsantos #stopartwashing #climateemergency #climatejustice
Much respect, XRSA! #TourDownUnder #DropSantos
Nearly 50 artists, arts workers and supporters in SA and beyond have already signed this open letter to drop Santos from the MEB. We will be making it public next week so now’s the time to join us!
Thanks for boosting ✊🏼
#adelaide #radelaide #kaurnayerta #BotanicGardens #FossilFuels #divest #DropSantos #ClimateJustice
#adelaide #radelaide #kaurnayerta #botanicgardens #fossilfuels #divest #dropsantos #climatejustice