#Biden confronted
About Face: Veterans Against the War
#biden #dropthemic #nomorewar #vetsagainstwar
"My name is Glen, I love the Bike Bus because I love my bike and I was born to do it."
Et vous, vos enfants, ils vont comment à l'école?
Pourquoi ne sont-ils pas comme Glen?
#dropthemic #jesuisglen #velobus
Steve Scalise
- S'calise des droits des femmes à l'avortement
#DropTheMic 🖕🏻
RT @atrupar@twitter.com
House Republicans are hard at work tackling inflation and cri-- oh no wait it's dudes trying to restrict reproductive rights
RT @alechat1@twitter.com
"Chaque fois que nous fermions une rue à la circulation, des enfants apparaissaient. Immédiatement!"
Voici à quoi peut ressembler l'espace public quand on a libéré un peu d'espace actuellement réservé aux 🚗
RT @alechat1@twitter.activitypub.actor
"Chaque fois que nous fermions une rue à la circulation, des enfants apparaissaient. Immédiatement!"
Voici à quoi peut ressembler l'espace public quand on a libéré un peu d'espace actuellement réservé aux 🚗
"Chaque fois que nous fermions une rue à la circulation, des enfants apparaissaient. Immédiatement!"
Voici à quoi peut ressembler l'espace public quand on a libéré un peu d'espace actuellement réservé aux 🚗
I found out a really great way to have a computer monitor to stop working. #dropTheMic
C'est une intervention un peu #DropTheMic faite par @ChristaVango@twitter.com #essentiel pour être un•e bon·ne allié•e #allié #alliée
#alliée #allié #essentiel #dropthemic
RT @VetsAboutFace@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VetsAboutFace/status/1193925693689778176
RT @VetsAboutFace@twitter.com
We going to talk about these guns?
#DemocraticDebate #DemDebate #DropTheMIC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VetsAboutFace/status/1144065345457709057
#democraticdebate #demdebate #dropthemic
RT @VetsAboutFace@twitter.com
“Our study shows that action on climate change demands shuttering vast sections of the military machine. It does no good tinkering around the edges of the war machine’s environmental impact.” #DropTheMIC #GreenNewDeal https://theconversation.com/us-military-is-a-bigger-polluter-than-as-many-as-140-countries-shrinking-this-war-machine-is-a-must-119269?utm_medium=amptwitter&utm_source=twitter
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VetsAboutFace/status/1143318742123929601
RT @VetsAboutFace@twitter.com
Invest in a sustainable future. Join the movement to #DropTheMIC → http://bit.ly/DTMweb #PCCMoralCongress
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VetsAboutFace/status/1140763018625802240
RT @VetsAboutFace@twitter.com
~800 military bases, which costs an estimate $100 Billion annually. Close the bases, bring the troops home. #DropTheMIC #PCCMoralCongress
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VetsAboutFace/status/1140754452888072192
RT @VetsAboutFace@twitter.com
"As lawmakers appropriate funds for FY2020, they must invest in policies that actually improve people’s wellbeing, rather than continuing to invest in a military-first approach that has exacerbated communities’ suffering." @lailaujayli@twitter.com #DropTheMIC https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/economy-budget/447787-throwing-more-money-at-the-pentagon-wont-make-us-more
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VetsAboutFace/status/1138466910394290184
RT @VetsAboutFace@twitter.com
“...never confuse a 500-pound bomb with a surgeon’s scalpel, even rhetorically. When “surgical” is applied to bombing...it only obscures the very real human carnage being produced by all these American-made bombs and missiles.” #DropTheMIC https://www.thenation.com/article/american-air-power-bombing-afghanistan-iraq/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VetsAboutFace/status/1136987702899986432
RT @VetsAboutFace@twitter.com
During #Pride2019, remember that @Raytheon@twitter.com tomahawks don’t discriminate when they obliterate in Yemen.
#Pinkwashing #GlitterBombs
#YemenCantWait #DropTheMIC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VetsAboutFace/status/1134662055431159813
#pride2019 #pinkwashing #glitterbombs #yemencantwait #dropthemic
RT @VetsAboutFace@twitter.com
66 years and the restaurant still only serves one. #DropTheMIC
[Yuliy Abramovich Ganf, 1953]
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VetsAboutFace/status/1136513642206310400