The Murder Moss is looking a bit rough but it’ll get a cleanup soon.
#CarnivorousPlants #Sundews #Mosstodon #Drosera #Sarracenia #IndoorGardening
A chunk of moss living in a bog pot. Several still small sundews (drosera) grow on the edges, as well as some tiny pitcher plant seedlings (sarracenia). The moss has some bits of dried stuff above it as well as the requisite cat hair.
#carnivorousplants #sundews #mosstodon #drosera #sarracenia #indoorgardening #alttext
The San Diego Carnivorous Plant Society is having their big show and sale August 5-6!
#carnivorousplant #utricularia #drosera #roridula #nepenthes #dionaea #darlingtonia #sarracenia #heliamphora #cephalotus #plantshow #sandiego
#sandiego #plantshow #cephalotus #heliamphora #sarracenia #darlingtonia #dionaea #nepenthes #roridula #drosera #utricularia #CarnivorousPlant
Diese #Florfliege ist im Botanischen #Garten in #Bonn der fleischfressenden #Sonnentau-Art #Drosera toyoakensis in die Falle getappt.
#botanicalgarden #botanischergartenbonn #artenvielfalt #natur #nature #insects #insekten #Droseraceae #Karnivoren #Insektivoren
#florfliege #garten #Bonn #sonnentau #drosera #botanicalgarden #botanischergartenbonn #Artenvielfalt #natur #nature #insects #insekten #droseraceae #karnivoren #insektivoren
@sigrid Wir waren gestern auf einer Radl-Exkursion mit Schwerpunkt Sauergräser. Der Prof. war erstaunt, dass so viele sich für so ein Thema interessieren😅 , hat wirklich toll erklärt und gezeigt. Buxbaums #Segge #Carex buxbaumii, Roesels #Beißschrecke #Roeseliana roeselii
Sigrid, für Dich ein Rundblättriger #Sonnentau, #Drosera rotundifolia aus Kärnten. 😀
#segge #carex #beißschrecke #roeseliana #sonnentau #drosera
... man muss nur genau hinschauen!
#drosera #macrophotography #photography #insects #naturephotography #macro #nature #bloomscrolling
#Bloomscrolling #nature #macro #naturephotography #insects #photography #macrophotography #drosera
This sundew has put out the longest string of flowers I have ever seen. It’s insane. Usually, they put up a curly bit with a few buds on them. The buds open one at a time until they run out. Occasionally, one will keep going. This one forgot to stop.
Sundews (genus Drosera) are carnivorous plants found on all continents except Antarctica. As seen here, their intricate leaves are covered in stalked glands, which secrete a sweet mucus to attract & ensnare insects as well as enzymes to digest their prey.
Beautiful but deadly!
#Macrophotography #plants #drosera
Zo'n zonnedauwtje bloeit best wel elegant. #zonnedauw #drosera #droseracapensis
#zonnedauw #drosera #droseracapensis
Carnivorous plant, Drosera aliciae. Showing their mucilaginous glands. #macro #macrophotography #plants #carnivorousplant #droseraaliciae #drosera #canon7d
#macro #macrophotography #plants #carnivorousplant #droseraaliciae #drosera #canon7d
Carnivorous plant, Drosera aliciae. Showing their mucilaginous glands. #macro #macrophotography #plants #carnivorousplant #droseraaliciae #drosera #canon7d #invertedlens
#macro #macrophotography #plants #carnivorousplant #droseraaliciae #drosera #canon7d #invertedlens
Sundew just loving the morning light. #CarnivorousPlants #Drosera #Gardening
#carnivorousplants #drosera #gardening
De Kaapse zonnedauw leverde al een aardige bijdrage bij het onder controle houden van de #varenrouwmugjes bij m'n peperplanten in huis. #Zonnedauw #Drosera #Sundew #FungusGnats
#varenrouwmugjes #zonnedauw #drosera #sundew #fungusgnats
Mooi excuus trouwens om nog eens m'n zonnedauwzaaifilmpje te delen😊 #drosera
Twee keer Kaapse #zonnedauw, op hetzelfde moment gezaaid. De linkse overwinterde in een onverwarmde kamer op vensterbank met zon. De rechtse op een warmere en donkere plaats, maar met een groeilampje. #Drosera #DroseraCapensis
#zonnedauw #drosera #droseracapensis
Once it’s warm enough, I almost feel bad for any bugs that come through this window #CarnivorousPlants #Pinguicula #Nepenthes #Drosera #HousePlants
#houseplants #drosera #nepenthes #pinguicula #carnivorousplants
Once it’s warm enough, I almost feel bad for any bugs that come through this window #CarnivorousPlants #Pinguicula #Nepenthes #Drosera
#drosera #nepenthes #pinguicula #carnivorousplants
A while back I snagged a #Drosera Spatulata that had SEVEN plants growing in a 3 inch and all of them weren’t happy. I was able to save three of them! Here’s the happiest. #CarnivorousPlants are cool as heck.