📰 "The evolution of competitive effectiveness and tolerance in populations of Drosophila melanogaster adapted to chronic larval crowding at varying combinations of egg number and food volume"
by 🔬 Venkitachalam, S., Temura, C., Kokile, R., Joshi, A.
http://biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.07.24.550285v1?rss=1 #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#Drosophila #Larva
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila #larva
📰 "The ortholog of human ssDNA-binding protein SSBP3 influences neurodevelopment and autism-like behaviors in Drosophila melanogaster"
by 🔬 Safa Salim, Sadam Hussain, Ayesha Banu, Swetha B M Gowda, Foysal Ahammad, Amira Alwa, Mujaheed Pasha, Farhan Mohammad
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37486945/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Parallel evolution and enhanced virulence upon in vivo passage of an RNA virus in Drosophila melanogaster"
by 🔬 Lezcano, O. M., Fuhrmann, L., Ramakrishnan, G., Beerenwinkel, N., Huynen, M., van Rij, R. P.
http://biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.07.21.549997v1?rss=1 #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Ecology-relevant bacteria drive the evolution of host antimicrobial peptides in Drosophila"
by 🔬 M A Hanson, L Grollmus, B Lemaitre
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37471548/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "miRNA/siRNA-directed pathway to produce noncoding piRNAs from endogenous protein-coding regions ensures Drosophila spermatogenesis"
by 🔬 Taichiro Iki, Shinichi Kawaguchi, Toshie Kai
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37467338/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Partner of neuropeptide bursicon homodimer pburs mediates a novel antimicrobial peptide Ten3LP via Dif/Dorsal2 in Tribolium castaneum"
by 🔬 Jingjing Li, Bo Lyu, Jingxiu Bi, Ruiqi Shan, David Stanley, Qili Feng, Qisheng Song
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37454995/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Drosophila melanogaster as a model of systemic dermatophytosis"
by 🔬 Bárbara da Costa, Bruna Pippi, Simone Merkel, Giovanna Agostinetto, Régis A Zanette, Alexandre M Fuentefria
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37434424/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Temporal Dynamics of Apoptosis-Induced Proliferation in Pupal Wing Development: Implications for Regenerative Ability"
by 🔬 Ahmed-de-Prado, S., Estella, C., Baonza, A.
http://biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.07.10.548326v1?rss=1 #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#Drosophila #Larva #Pupa
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila #larva #pupa
Leftovers of smoothies with banana in them are excellent #drosophilamelanogaster growing media. It's scary 😩
#drosophilamelanogaster #labhacks #biology
📰 "A systematic CRISPR screen reveals redundant and specific roles for Dscam1 isoform diversity in neuronal wiring"
by 🔬 Haiyang Dong, Xi Yang, Lili Wu, Shixin Zhang, Jian Zhang, Pengjuan Guo, Yiwen Du, Changkun Pan, Ying Fu, Lei Li, Jilong Shi, Yanda Zhu, Hongru Ma, Lina Bian, Bingbing Xu, Guo Li, Feng Shi et al.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37410725/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Knockdown of DOM/Tip60 Complex Subunits Impairs Male Meiosis of Drosophila melanogaster"
by 🔬 Yuri Prozzillo, Gaia Fattorini, Diego Ferreri, Manuela Leo, Patrizio Dimitri, Giovanni Messina
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37408183/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Exposure to Therapeutic BTK Inhibitors Induces Phenocopying of Btk29A Mutants in the Fruit Fly Drosophila melanogaster"
by 🔬 Noriko Hamada-Kawaguchi, Beston F Nore, Rula Zain, Ylva Engström, C I Edvard Smith, Daisuke Yamamoto
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37395037/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Heritability and pre-adult survivorship costs of ectoparasite resistance in the naturally occurring Drosophila-Gamasodes mite system"
by 🔬 Michal Polak, Joy Bose, Joshua B Benoit, Harmanpreet Singh
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37393947/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#Drosophila #Adult
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila #adult
📰 "A neonicotinoid pesticide alters Drosophila olfactory processing"
by 🔬 Anna R Tatarko, Anne S Leonard, Dennis Mathew
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37391495/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Integrating lipid metabolism, pheromone production and perception by Fruitless and Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4"
by 🔬 Jie Sun, Wen-Kan Liu, Calder Ellsworth, Qian Sun, Yufeng Pan, Yi-Chun Huang, Wu-Min Deng
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37390217/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#Drosophila #Sensory
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila #sensory
📰 "Multi-neuronal recording in unrestrained animals with all acousto-optic random-access line-scanning two-photon microscopy"
by 🔬 Akihiro Yamaguchi, Rui Wu, Paul McNulty, Doycho Karagyozov, Mirna Mihovilovic Skanata, Marc Gershow
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37389365/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#Drosophila #Larva
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila #larva
📰 "The appearance of cytoplasmic cytochrome C precedes apoptosis during Drosophila salivary gland degradation"
by 🔬 Shihui Long, Wenxin Cao, Yongyu Qiu, Ruohan Deng, Jiali Liu, Lidan Zhang, Renke Dong, Fengxin Liu, Sheng Li, Haigang Zhao, Na Li, Kang Li
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37370257/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Zearalenone Does Not Show Genotoxic Effects in the Drosophila melanogaster Wing Spot Test, but It Induces Oxidative Imbalance, Development, and Fecundity Alterations"
by 🔬 Luis Felipe Santos-Cruz, Alberto Ponciano-Gómez, Juan Tomás Torres-Gregorio, Bertha Guadalupe RamÃrez-Cruz, Gerardo Vázquez-Gómez, Luis Barbo Hernández-Portilla, Cesar Mateo Flores-Ortiz et al.
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37368659/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Digest: Few new mutations are recessive lethal"
by 🔬 Benjamin Epley
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37354114/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila
📰 "Comparison of toxic effects of 5 macrofungi against Drosophila melanogaster"
by 🔬 Jinzhe Li, Yaqin Huang, Dezhi Wang, Nailiang Zhu, Xinrong Qiao
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37352434/ #DrosophilaMelanogaster
#drosophilamelanogaster #drosophila