El 2% de los españoles gasta el 80% del agua.
Plantearnos un mundo más justo también implica plantearnos como distribuimos recursos vitales como el agua
#aater #drough #agua #sequia #emergenciaclimatica
Here’s how much water lakes around the world have lost | Science | AAAS
From 1992 through 2020, lakes have declined by 22 billion tons per year
Some of the most notable lakes in the world, from the Great Salt Lake to Poyang Lake, have shrunk dramatically in recent decades. But because most lakes lack long-term, on-the-ground measurements, it was hard to say whether this was a widespread phenomenon. Now, researchers have published a first-of-its-kind data set to look at how lake water storage has changed in nearly 2000 of the world’s largest lakes. They find significant global losses and tease out what might be driving these decreases.
#decrease #loss #water #drough #climatecrisis
#US corn crop's growing sensitivity to drought revealed
A new #study reveals that while yields have increased overall the staple #crop has become significantly more sensitive to #drough conditions.
Corn production in the U.S. is a seemingly unstoppable juggernaut. Despite concerns about resistant weeds, climate change and many other factors, the industry has set record yields in five of the last seven years.
#us #study #crop #drough #foodsecurity #climatecrisis