More work has been done, slowly making progress.
Lots still to do.
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #feculentgnarlmaw
Boat has been progressing. Hull is coming on with plenty of texture and Nurgley-ness.
Started base as well.
Priority is sorting connection. Once that is done boat hull can be finished and the rest progressed.
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin
Started a new project, a second Plague Ship for my Drowned Men force. Will count as a terrain piece, a feculent tree.
Lots still to do.
#Nurgle #AoS #DrownedMen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #WarhammerCommunity #PlagueFleet #SlimeFleet #PlagueShip
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #warhammercommunity #plaguefleet #slimefleet #plagueship
While various bits dried on Rotigus I was building a #Harbinger for my Drowned Men force.
Didn't seem right for a Harbinger of Nurgles Slime Fleet to ride a horse. So, little boat...
All blutac'd atm. I may leave off fishing Nurgling due to him not being practical for gaming.
Rider is the best I could do, not 100% decided on pose.
#harbinger #Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers
Another two Pusgoyles and a Lord of Affliction join the Maggotkin ranks.
If I did more I would very much use subassemblies.
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #pusgoyleblightlords
Progressing on three Pusgoyles.
Not looking too bad, but lots left to do.
Hoping they will be finished in a couple of days.
#Nurgle #AoS #DrownedMen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #WarhammerCommunity #PusgoyleBlightlords
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #warhammercommunity #pusgoyleblightlords
I finished the Pusgoyle Blightlords today. Happy overall.
As mentioned I will be having a different flesh tone for each mount & rider (3 more to do). First two being Blue and Green, reckon an orange, white and brown will follow.
#Nurgle #AoS #Rotbringers #Maggotkin #PusgoyleBlightlords #WarhammerCommunity #DrownedMen
#Nurgle #aos #Rotbringers #Maggotkin #pusgoyleblightlords #warhammercommunity #drownedmen
For a change a post with some WIP pictures.
Very nearly finished Pusgoyle Blightlords. They will be part of my Drowned Men force.
I have more to do and I intend to have each one with a different skin colour, with mount matching rider.
Hopefully finish these tonight.
#Nurgle #AoS #DrownedMen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #PusgoyleBlightlords #DrownedMen
#Nurgle #aos #drownedmen #Maggotkin #Rotbringers #pusgoyleblightlords