#RedBull, l’ala posteriore è il segreto alla base dell’effetto #DRS della RB19: i dettagli https://www.formula1.it/news/15750/1/red-bull-l-ala-posteriore-e-il-segreto-alla-base-dell-effetto-drs-della-rb19-i-dettagli-?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
La Formula 1 vuole togliere il #DRS in qualifica per cercare competitività https://www.formula1.it/news/15738/1/la-formula-1-vuole-togliere-il-drs-in-qualifica-per-cercare-competitivita?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Perché l’abolizione del #DRS in qualifica sarebbe l’ennesima toppa a un regolamento tecnico fallimentare https://www.formula1.it/news/15735/1/perche-l-abolizione-del-drs-in-qualifica-sarebbe-l-ennesima-toppa-a-un-regolamento-tecnico-fallimentare?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
your move, cricket
What is a strike in baseball? Robots, rule book and umpires view it differently #baseball #rounders #DRS https://techxplore.com/news/2023-07-baseball-robots-umpires-view-differently.html
New from the Herald:
"Official report warned DRS recycling scheme was riddled with problems"
and ...
"... months before the UK Government imposed fatal restrictions on the scheme, officials were reporting widespread uncertainty over how it would work in practice"
So much for all the nonsense about nasty Westminster blocking the scheme out of spite .....
#scottishindependence #snp #scottishpolitics #drs
Quali vantaggi per l’Italia e per il riciclo dal Sistema di deposito cauzionale https://altreconomia.it/quali-vantaggi-per-litalia-e-per-il-riciclo-dal-sistema-di-deposito-cauzionale/ #associazionecomunivirtuosi #raccoltadifferenziata #depositreturnsystem #depositocauzionale #singleuseplastic #Approfondimento #abuonrendere #direttivasup #Germania #plastica #germani #riciclo #Drs
#associazionecomunivirtuosi #raccoltadifferenziata #depositreturnsystem #depositocauzionale #singleuseplastic #Approfondimento #abuonrendere #direttivasup #germania #plastica #germani #riciclo #drs
lorna slater survives vote of no confidence.
#hollyrood #DRS #tories #scottishGreens #scotland #lornaSlater
#lornaslater #scotland #ScottishGreens #tories #drs #hollyrood
The saga of the #DRS shows (yet again) how badly Scotland is failed by Westminster.
Scotland’s #DRS is being postponed, not because we were unprepared, but because Westminster changed the
rules to effectively make it impossible for us to go ahead before England.
Yes, while Holyrood and Senedd have been working on #DRS for the last few years, England has little to show. Then, last month, WM said Scotland's #DRS scheme has to mirror England's.
Which doesn't exist yet.
"Maurice Golden [Tory] MSP u-turns on #DRS after Heineken gifts".
Since Alister Jack has decided he's in charge, perhaps we should return bottles and cans directly to him, at the Scotland Office
This is what the English government stands for, in its "precious union of equals".
#youyesyet #drs #internalmarketpowergrab
"Alister Jack speaking on behalf of the UK Government is speaking about England and England want to do it differently.
"Now, there's a real question here. If you have... mutual respect across the nations of the UK, then why would one of those nations have the right to impose what it wants on the others?"
Jeanne Freeman quoted in @TheNational: "Former health secretary blasts 'solvable' issues in #DRS".
Ah hud wondert whit ra supermarket hud built some new ootdoor shelter hing fur. Noo thurs ah Timpson oot there in a different unit an aw.
Deposit return scheme! Ah noo it's clear. Gid. Aboot time folk got a reason tae recycle. An it will bring mair folk back tae the shoap tae get conned intae buying they "deals" oan the end ay aisles. Which supermarket will offer ye mair per item is the next question. Price war, shite war. Wan man's trash is anurrer man's treasure.
#Scotland #recycling #DRS
"Daniel Stunell, managing consultant with global environmental research consultancy Eunomia, pointed out there were examples in other countries where #DRS schemes were not operating in the same way nationally."
In "Australia, the US or Canada, there are deposit return schemes that are state or provincial rather than the whole national market and there are ways that they have made that work."
My conclusion: the English government is clearly the 'outlier' in this.
Strange how Innis & Gunn can comply with the Deposit Return Scheme in Sweden... In Canada too, I believe.
Stop whinging I&G.
#beer #snp #greens #recycling #drs
Mark Drakeford regarding glass being a part of the DRS. That wee pop you hear off camera is Glenn Campbell's head exploding.
#drs #wales #scotpol #markdrakeford
“The English Government is the outlier here."
@TheNational - Mark Drakeford: England is the 'outlier' in excluding glass from #DRS
#youyesyet #internalmarketpowergrab #drs
I fucking love Mark Drakeford. There's a clip doing the rounds in connection with the article below about the UK government invoking the Internal Markets Act to prevent glass being included in Scotland's (and, potentially, Wales') Deposit Return Scheme. Asked about business's requirement for uniformity across all areas of the UK, Mr Drakeford laments the actions of "the UK government in its England capacity". 🔥😡
#UKPolitics #DRS #Independence #Devolution #Cymru
#cymru #devolution #independence #drs #ukpolitics