Chrontendo 68!
Dr. Sparkle's epic, Sisyphean journey through the entire library of the Nintendo Famicom/NES, Chrontendo is back! This episode has the subtitle, "The games will get worse until morale improves," and is it ever fitting. Here it is, more about it beneath:
#retro #1990 #arcade #cabal #chrontendo #cinemaware #drsparkle #famicom #jeopardy #kicklecubicle #nes #nintendo #radracer #retro #video #youtube
#youtube #video #radracer #nintendo #nes #kicklecubicle #jeopardy #famicom #drsparkle #cinemaware #chrontendo #cabal #arcade #retro
Chrontendo 61!
Does it seem to you like there's been a lot of Youtube videos lately? It's an unfortunate fact that a lot of the information and articles that once would have been in informative and quick-reading blog posts are now presented to the internet in format that requires video editing software to create and 15+ minut
#retro #chipndale #chrontendo #drsparkle #famicom #metalgear #nes #rescuerangers #retro #scat #snakesrevenge #video #youtube #ys
#ys #youtube #video #snakesrevenge #scat #rescuerangers #nes #metalgear #famicom #drsparkle #chrontendo #chipndale #retro