Can we please, please, just decriminalise all personal use of drugs (including home growing/ processing for personal use), and get rid of the racist prohibition system the Misuse of Drugs Act continues to maintain?
"But while the overall numbers are down, the discrimination has increased. For the first time, Māori now make up more than half of drug prosecutions."
#chrisfowlie #aotearoa #nz #druglawreform #decriminalization
Any kiwi culture jammers out there who are good with graphic design?
In recognition of National's unfailing support for an unregulated, untaxed black market for supplying cannabis, and the inconsistent crackdowns on black market suppliers that push people towards using P, I present this potential billboard correction:
'Get our country back on crack'
#election2023 #nznational #prohibition #druglawreform
"Following the adoption of a motion at our Party Conference in 2017, the Labour Party supports the principle of legislation for the legalisation of cannabis for recreational and medicinal use in Ireland."
#AodhánÓRíordáin, Justice Spokesperson, Irish Labour party
#aodhanoriordain #ireland #druglawreform #cannabislegalization
"The Labour Party do not believe we can solve the issue of drugs through criminal sanction against the user. The issue of decriminalisation of the person should and must be at the forefront of our approach. Addiction needs to be treated as a health issue, not a legal one."
#AodhánÓRíordáin, Justice Spokesperson, Irish Labour party
#aodhanoriordain #ireland #druglawreform #drugdecriminalization
RT Release Drugs
BREAKING: @scotgov call on @GOVUK to reform the drug laws or give them the powers to do it. New report calls for
🔥Decriminalisation of ppl who use drugs
🔥Debate on drug regulation 🔥Reform of equality legislation to include ppl experiencing dependence
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day...
“Sending people to jail for possessing marijuana has upended too many lives — for conduct that is legal in many states. That’s before you address the clear racial disparities around prosecution and conviction. Today, we begin to right these wrongs.”
#PresidentJoeBiden, 2022
#presidentjoebiden #cannabis #druglawreform
I've been meaning to put together a list like this for years. Thanks to Julian Buchanan for actually getting it done.
'What we have been told about drugs is not true: Seventy-five myths busted'
#drugs #drugprohibition #druglawreform
People are being poisoned at unprecedented levels by a drug that's sold over the counter. Surely this harmful drug should be illegal, and people imprisoned if they are in possession of if, even for personal use. Some irresponsible parents even store it so unsafely that their kids get hold of it.
Won't somebody think of the children?
Arresting people because the drugs we're holding for personal use are bad (mmm'kay?), is like arresting people for the cake in our pantry because it's unhealthy. It really annoys me that Labour didn't listen to us and make the referendum a 2 part question, one on recreational use, one on recreational sales. Also that they didn't go ahead with decrim despite the result, because the referendum they ran wasn't about that.
#cannabis #druglawreform #decriminalization
> Legalise it. Regulate it. Tax it.
I was shocked to discover (thanks to the podcast feed of Chris Fowlie's regular slot on BFM) that people in Aotearoa are still getting prison time for simple cannabis possession. Not supply, possession. Not as part of a more serious set of offences just for possession.
Meanwhile middle class white people can afford to get a prescription for med pot and buy from a licensed supplier. Two classes of citizens here folks.
"Nobody, from fundamentalist opposition through to Labour ministers, can seriously suggest that a narrow loss for one specific, niche law on cannabis shuts down dialogue on how we tackle all drug harm, from alcohol to methamphetamine. Such a referendum result does not erase the detailed expert reports that politicians commissioned to help build a mandate for change."