On September 3, 1977, Blue Sunshine was screened at the Edinburgh International Film Festival. Here’s some Deborah Winters fan art!
#BlueSunshine #JeffLieberman #DeborahWinters #PsychedelicHorror #PsychedelicFilm #HippieMovies #Movies #SciFi #Horror #HorrorSciFi #DrugMovies #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#bluesunshine #jefflieberman #deborahwinters #psychedelichorror #psychedelicfilm #hippiemovies #movies #scifi #horror #horrorscifi #drugmovies #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On August 9, 1996, Trainspotting debuted in the United States. Here’s a portrait of Kelly MacDonald to mark the occasion!
#Trainspotting #KellyMacDonald #DrugMovies #IrvineWelsh #PunkFilm #TransgressiveFiction #BlackComedy #1990s #90sMovies #PenDrawing #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#trainspotting #kellymacdonald #drugmovies #irvinewelsh #punkfilm #transgressivefiction #blackcomedy #1990s #90smovies #pendrawing #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
On August 8, 1969, The Big Cube debuted in West Germany. Here’s some Regina Torne fan art!
#TheBigCube #TitoDavison #ReginaTorne #QueenBee #ExploitationFilm #DrugMovies #HippieMovies #ThrillerFilm #HorrorThriller #LSD #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thebigcube #titodavison #reginatorne #queenbee #exploitationfilm #drugmovies #hippiemovies #thrillerfilm #horrorthriller #lsd #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On June 26, 2007, The Big Cube was released on DVD in Canada. Here’s some Regina Torne fan art!
#TheBigCube #TitoDavison #ReginaTorne #QueenBee #ExploitationFilm #DrugMovies #HippieMovies #ThrillerFilm #HorrorThriller #LSD #TCMUnderground #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thebigcube #titodavison #reginatorne #queenbee #exploitationfilm #drugmovies #hippiemovies #thrillerfilm #horrorthriller #lsd #tcmunderground #art #movieart #moviehistory
On May 31, 1996, Trainspotting debuted in Sweden. Here’s a portrait of Ewan McGregor art to mark the occasion!
#Trainspotting #EwanMcGregor #DrugMovies #IrvineWelsh #PunkFilm #TransgressiveFiction #BlackComedy #1990s #90sMovies #PenDrawing #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#trainspotting #ewanmcgregor #drugmovies #irvinewelsh #punkfilm #transgressivefiction #blackcomedy #1990s #90smovies #pendrawing #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
On June 13, 2014, Friday was screened at the Los Angeles Film Festival. Here’s some John Witherspoon art to mark the occasion!
#Friday #FGaryGray #90sMovies #StonerComedy #CultFilm #DrugMovies #BuddyComedyMovies #IndieFilm #StonerMovie #StonerArt #MovieArt #JohnWitherspoon
#friday #fgarygray #90smovies #stonercomedy #cultfilm #drugmovies #buddycomedymovies #indiefilm #stonermovie #stonerart #movieart #johnwitherspoon
On May 31, 1996, Trainspotting debuted in Sweden. Here’s a portrait of Robertt Carlyle to mark the occasion!
#Trainspotting #RobertCarlylie #DrugMovies #IrvineWelsh #PunkFilm #TransgressiveFiction #BlackComedy #1990s #90sMovies #PenDrawing #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#trainspotting #robertcarlylie #drugmovies #irvinewelsh #punkfilm #transgressivefiction #blackcomedy #1990s #90smovies #pendrawing #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
On April 3, 1968, Valley of the Dolls debuted in Argentina. Here’s some Sharon Tate art to mark the occasion!
#ValleyOfTheDolls #MarkRobson #JacquelineSusann #SharonTate #DrugMovies #DramaFilm #CultCinema #1960s #MidnightMovies #DrugFilm #SexploitationFilm #Sexploitation #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#valleyofthedolls #markrobson #jacquelinesusann #sharontate #drugmovies #dramafilm #cultcinema #1960s #midnightmovies #drugfilm #sexploitationfilm #sexploitation #art #popart #modernart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
On March 31, 1956, The Man with the Golden Arm debuted in Italy. Here’s some Frank Sinatra art!
#TheManWithTheGoldenArm #FrankSinatra #FilmNoir #DrugMovies #Noir #50sNoir #ClassicFilm #JazzFilms #PenDrawing #CultMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#themanwiththegoldenarm #franksinatra #filmnoir #drugmovies #noir #50snoir #classicfilm #jazzfilms #pendrawing #cultmovies #art #movieart #moviehistory
On March 14, 2017, Trainspotting was screened at the Sofia Film Fest in Bulgaria. Here’s a portrait of Kelly MacDonald to mark the occasion!
#Trainspotting #KellyMacDonald #DrugMovies #IrvineWelsh #PunkFilm #TransgressiveFiction #BlackComedy #1990s #90sMovies #PenDrawing #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#trainspotting #kellymacdonald #drugmovies #irvinewelsh #punkfilm #transgressivefiction #blackcomedy #1990s #90smovies #pendrawing #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory
On March 8, 1956, The Man with the Golden Arm debuted in Canada. Here’s some Frank Sinatra art!
#TheManWithTheGoldenArm #FrankSinatra #FilmNoir #DrugMovies #Noir #50sNoir #ClassicFilm #JazzFilms #PenDrawing #CultMovies #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#themanwiththegoldenarm #franksinatra #filmnoir #drugmovies #noir #50snoir #classicfilm #jazzfilms #pendrawing #cultmovies #art #movieart #moviehistory
On January 8, 2010 Skidoo was screened as a single-feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some original Jackie Gleason art to celebrate!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #Skidoo #OttoPreminger #JackieGleason #DrugFilm #HippieMovies #CrimeComedy #ParodyFilm #Parody #DrugMovies #StonerComedy #StonerFilm #1960s #60sCinema #FanArt
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #skidoo #ottopreminger #jackiegleason #drugfilm #hippiemovies #crimecomedy #parodyfilm #parody #drugmovies #stonercomedy #stonerfilm #1960s #60scinema #FanArt
On January 4, 2008 Skidoo and The Love-Ins were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here’s some Jackie Gleason and Susan Oliver art to mark the occasion!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #Skidoo #TheLoveIns #DoubleFeature #CultCinema #HippieMovies #DrugMovies #CountercultureFilm #ComedyMovies #Drawing #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #skidoo #theloveins #doublefeature #cultcinema #hippiemovies #drugmovies #counterculturefilm #comedymovies #drawing #movieart #moviehistory
On December 20, 2008 The Road to Ruin and Escort Girl were screened as a double-feature on TCM Underground. Here's some fan art inspired by both features!
#TCMParty #TCMUnderground #TheRoadToRuin #EscortGirl #PrecodeFilm #1930sFiom #DrugMovies #ExploitationFilm #Art #FanArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory #DoubleFeature
#TCMParty #tcmunderground #theroadtoruin #escortgirl #precodefilm #1930sfiom #drugmovies #exploitationfilm #art #FanArt #movieart #moviehistory #doublefeature
On December 19, 1968 Skidoo debuted in the United States. Here's an original drawing of Jackie Gleason to celebrate!
#Skidoo #JackieGleason #PenDrawing #Art #CultCinema #StonerMovies #HippieMovies #DrugMovies #ExploitationFilm #FanArt #ComedyMovies #TCMUnderground
#skidoo #jackiegleason #pendrawing #art #cultcinema #stonermovies #hippiemovies #drugmovies #exploitationfilm #FanArt #comedymovies #tcmunderground