I've been meaning to put together a list like this for years. Thanks to Julian Buchanan for actually getting it done.
'What we have been told about drugs is not true: Seventy-five myths busted'
#drugs #drugprohibition #druglawreform
@Fitz also these issues are solely.based on the #WarOnDrugs and the bs. #DrugProhibition which twarts any efforts of #YouthProtection and #ConsumerProtection because unlike a licensed liquor store, dealers will sell to everyone paying...
#consumerprotection #youthprotection #drugprohibition #warondrugs
America's #history of #DrugProhibition is quite a bit like the history of alcohol #prohibition, with a few differences. Both prohibitions increased use and abuse, created a robust illegal smuggling and distribution industry, killed scores of Americans, and increased the potency of available substances (the "iron law of prohibition"). One difference, the U.S. gave up on alcohol prohibition after 13 years, whereas prohibition of #cannabis, #cocaine, #opium, etc. continues. https://drugpolicy.org/issues/brief-history-drug-war
#history #drugprohibition #prohibition #cannabis #cocaine #opium