at Cathair Crobh Dearg, Co. : Dan Cronin writes in his book “In the Shadow of the Paps, 2001”: “ rituals were enacted at The City, up to the time when we were Christianized. It is possible that it was here at The City that the last stand of Irish paganism was made against the advancing forces of Christianity. In that far distant age this area was a great stronghold of pagan die-hards who flourished under The Paps at Cathair Crobh Dearg. …
To Cathair Crobh Dearg is left a legacy of a religious nature, unique and strange, to this day. Right down through the ages, through and Paganism and through many mutations of human searching, religious ceremonies have been enacted on this barren windswept site. This chain of events has remained vibrant and alive – one of our cherished last remaining links with those days long past.”
Source and virtual-reality tour of Cathair Crobh Dearg and The Paps of Anu:

#celtic #HillfortsWednesday #kerry #druidic #druidism

Last updated 2 years ago

Yolanda · @nathair
30 followers · 48 posts · Server

discovering Mastodon.
Former: Network Engineer and Sysadmin of Novell NetWare, Oracle database administrator and network administrator, and also a fosterparent to 13 children. Now on a more secluded path, mainly in with friends. Enjoying a wild with and , member of , member of Groningen Historic Churches Foundation and as such organizing concerts, lectures and meetings at the local church.
Also on a slow recovery from PASC

#OBOD #herbs #Trees #garden #Nature #walking #druidic #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Yolanda · @nathair
53 followers · 85 posts · Server

discovering Mastodon.
Former: Network Engineer and Sysadmin of Novell NetWare, Oracle database administrator and network administrator, and also a fosterparent to 13 children. Now on a more secluded path, mainly in with friends. Enjoying a wild with and , member of , member of Groningen Historic Churches Foundation and as such organizing concerts, lectures and meetings at the local church.
Also on a slow recovery from PASC

#OBOD #herbs #Trees #garden #Nature #walking #druidic #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

: I would like to change the Tain BĂł Cuailgne! would still have to kill his foster brother to preserve his honour as a warrior. But by the end of the cattle raid, Ferdiad would be almost fully recovered thanks to superior healing skills.
Meet Airmed, the Irish Goddess of healing (mainly herbal). She belongs to the enclave of healers, within the Thuata the Danaan, along with her brother (Miach, god of surgery),and her father Diancecht (god of medecine and magical healing).

#celtic #mythologymonday #CĂşchulainn #druidic

Last updated 2 years ago