Eine Delegation der #Yukpa war auf Europatour. Sie erzählen warum die #Steinkohle aus Kolumbien Blutkohle ist! Die verantwortlichen Bergbaukonzerne #Drummond (USA) und #Glencore (Schweiz) arbeiten eng mit Paramilitärs zusammen. Wer Widerstand leistet, erhält mitunter Morddrohungen. @juanpablogutier
#Yukpa #steinkohle #drummond #glencore
#usaf #oklahoma #mishap #misconduct #louisiana #fighter #f16 #drummond #crash #airforce
#usaf #oklahoma #mishap #misconduct #louisiana #fighter #f16 #drummond #crash #airforce
#usaf #oklahoma #mishap #misconduct #louisiana #fighter #f16 #drummond #crash #airforce
En 2004 Richard #Glossip a été condamné à mort par un tribunal de l'Oklahoma, tous ses recours ayant été épuisés, il est sensé être exécuté le 18 mai prochain.
Son dossier et sa condamnation ont été tellement bâclés que le Procureur Général de l'état, un républicain pourtant favorable à la peine de mort, a fait un courrier à la cour suprême des USA pour la supplier (beg) de surseoir à l'exécution, le gouverneur étant le seul a pouvoir intervenir au niveau local.
"The State of Oklahoma recently made the difficult decision to confess error and support vacating the conviction of Richard Glossip,” the document reads, referring to a death row inmate scheduled to be executed on May 18.
But because other parts of the state government don’t agree, and Oklahoma’s attorney general does not have the power to lift Glossip’s death sentence on his own, #Drummond is now begging the Supreme Court of the United States to save Glossip’s life.
#glossip #drummond #peinedemort #usa #deathpenalty #deathrow #freethemall
Tophockeyster Drummond-De Goede tot haar verbazing gepasseerd bij Oranje
Mas Viveremos | Carlos #Drummond de Andrade
#drummond #leitura #oslivrosdemaria
Os Ombros Suportam o Mundo | Carlos #Drummond de Andrade
🎬 https://youtu.be/nB_FlvzykcI
Leitura por
* O #poema 'José', de #CarlosDrummondDeAndrade, foi publicado originalmente em 1942, na coletânea #Poesias. Ilustra o sentimento de #solidão e abandono do indivíduo na cidade grande, a sua falta de #esperança e a sensação de que está perdido na #vida, sem saber que caminho tomar.
Texto: Carlos #Drummond de Andrade
Fotos: Vinícius Mochizuki
#Tdm: #OsLivrosDeMaria
#poema #CarlosDrummondDeAndrade #poesias #solidao #esperanca #Vida #drummond #tdm #oslivrosdemaria
O Medo - Carlos Drummond de Andrade, in A Rosa do Povo - 1945
Adeus: vamos para a frente,
recuando de olhos acesos.
Nossos filhos tão felizes...
Fiéis herdeiros do medo,
eles povoam a cidade.
Depois da cidade, o mundo.
Depois do mundo, as estrelas,
dançando o baile do medo.
#desilusoesliquidas #giovanigomes #poesia #literatura #drummond #literaturabrasileira
#desilusoesliquidas #giovanigomes #poesia #literatura #drummond #literaturabrasileira
In the interest of #genealogy #familyhistory #ancestry wanted to share just a few #surnames from my paternal line. My mom is #Italian & I'd be happy to post hers in a different post.
#Ireland #Irish #Burniston #Burnison #Drummond #Boyce #Atkinson #Lute #Luke
#Germany #German #Angleman #Buchs #Schoff #Schoaf
#UEL #Loyalist #Book #Culver #Lamb #Shaw
#English #Culver #Drummond #Hopcraft #Davey #Tremberth #Cashmore #Oborn
Familiar with #Canadian records & happy to help.
#genealogy #familyhistory #ancestry #surnames #italian #Ireland #irish #burniston #burnison #drummond #boyce #atkinson #lute #luke #germany #german #angleman #buchs #schoff #schoaf #uel #loyalist #book #culver #lamb #shaw #english #hopcraft #davey #tremberth #cashmore #oborn #canadian
Good morning on this beautiful day! Gardening to come.
#jaaracountry #djadjawurringcountry #drummond