Drumpf says there was no nuclear holocaust during his term
#needsverification #drumpf #justice
#needsverification #drumpf #justice
#AnArgumentAtTheKidsTable 😆 , said #JohnNichols on the first #GOPieceOfShit Debate Sans #Drumpf
#democracynow #anargumentatthekidstable #JohnNichols #GOPieceOfShit #drumpf #gopdebate
Farmer friend in Humboldt has just gone full Qanon. About 5 years late. Which if you know pop culture behind the redwood curtain, is right on time. #idiocracy #drumpf #deepstate #ca #humboldt
#idiocracy #drumpf #deepstate #ca #humboldt
Landing In #NYC For #Deposition, Ketchup Thrower Seems Upset
#drumpf #rump
#nyc #deposition #drumpf #rump
Twitter. Aber zu gut, um es nicht zu teilen. #drumpf #saturdaynightlive https://twitter.com/nbcsnl/status/1644910294525702144?s=20
Failed steak salesman complains his enemies aren't helping him as much as he thinks they should be.
#trump #TFG #impeachment3 #drumpf #lol
#Drumpf … current theory: they need 47 black SUVs to carry all the stolen documents.
#Trump Mistakenly Boasts That He Got Rid of NATO. He Meant NAFTA.
Looks like we found the reason behind the spike in fuel prices, post 2020 https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/12/after-helping-princes-rise-trump-kushner-benefit-saudi-funds/
#enemiesofthestate #plainsight #drumpf
#enemiesofthestate #plainsight #drumpf
Prosecutors Feared They'd Have To Prove Trump Wasn't Legally Insane, Book Says | HuffPost Latest News
Let's get real the entire #Drumpf 'presidency' was an obstruction of justice. Nothing different than before and or since, just the suspects and magnitude have risen substantially.
#Justice #BillBarr #Durham #Mueller #Russia #Democracy
#drumpf #justice #billbarr #durham #mueller #Russia #democracy