It’s the new limited series called “The Fighting Fascists”
Watch as 2 thin-skinned Malignant Narcissists screech, cackle, lie & try to bully everyone into supporting them
It’s #DrumpFuhrer vs #TallahasseeMussolini
Series ends when they both lose & we reelect #Biden/Harris2024
Democracy prevails!
#votebluetosaveamerica #Biden #tallahasseemussolini #drumpfuhrer
Almost 200K US soldiers were killed by Hitler & Nazis during WWII & over 115K in the Pacific Theater
When anti-Semites like #KKKanye #NaziNick #DrumpFuhrer & @GOP praise them?
They spit on the graves of all who sacrificed for US to be free
You OK with that GOP?
#drumpfuhrer #nazinick #kkkanye #pearlharbor81
US History Lesson 2
Almost 200,000 American soldiers were killed by Hitler & the Nazis during WWII
When asshole anti-Semites like #KKKanye #NaziNick & #DrumpFuhrer praise them?
They spit on the graves of all who sacrificed for US to be free
You OK with that @GOP?
#drumpfuhrer #nazinick #kkkanye