Rudy Colludy's defense consists entirely of highly-improbable "hail Marys". I suppose that's what having no money to pay for lawyers gets you.
#TrumpIndictment #FultonCounty #RudyColludy #FourSeasonsTotalLandscaping #flatulence #drunkenRudy
#trumpindictment #fultoncounty #rudycolludy #fourseasonstotallandscaping #flatulence #drunkenrudy
Rudy Colludy (aka Co-conspirator 1) sounds a bit desperate in the aftermath of the latest Trump indictment. I really hope Smith ends up indicting him, as well. He's got the residue of crime all over his hair-dye-covered fingers.
#TrumpIndictment #TrumpLies #RudyGuiliani #drunkenRudy #FourSeasonsTotalLandscaping #coconspirator1
#trumpindictment #TrumpLies #rudyguiliani #drunkenrudy #fourseasonstotallandscaping #coconspirator1