Be like Lil' Rooster, be an early bird!
DrupalCon Lille Early Bird pricing ends today 31.7.2023
#drupalcon #drupal #CMSDrupal
Personally, I see both sides of this issue. I love going to DrupalCon, but I think it has a very hard time balancing the needs of a volunteer community and business/educational goals for developers.
People come to DrupalCon with very different goals. If you are coming for traditional professional reasons, your company is probably paying and the price is quite reasonable.
Well said, and I'm happy to go to this event this year. Especially as I missed Prague last year and got sick of all the virtual events before then.
I know it will be different from #drupaldevdays which have been amazing last week. They have been organized by volunteers. Something that didn't work for #DrupalCon Europe any longer. That comes for a price.
Did you miss Linux Update last week? Read it now and subscribe free to get it in your inbox every Thursday #Linux #OpenSource #KoodoReader #Ubuntu #Solus #DrupalCon #jobs #events #FOSS
#linux #opensource #koodoreader #ubuntu #solus #drupalcon #jobs #events #foss
Join the folks at Fox Valley Drupal for a meetup this Wednesday, June 21 at 6:30pm Central. They'll be chatting online and in-person, recapping #DrupalCon Pittsburgh, and discussing other hot topics in the #Drupal-verse.
From the Driesnote Q&A at #drupalcon:
"I would say #BackdropCMS has been a net-positive for the #Drupal project… Hopefully [organizations with Drupal 7 sites] will choose to upgrade to Drupal 10 or Drupal 11… but I also recognize that there are a lot of organizations that may not have the means to do that, and for them, Backdrop might be a great solution… I think we can promote that as one of the options for people that are stuck with Drupal 7…"
#drupalcon #backdropcms #drupal
This will probably be the last of my #Pittsburgh images from #DrupalCon.
I like having a certain number of images in the mix that are looking straight down. I think this one just has an interesting mix of details that makes it intersting to me.
#pittsburgh #drupalcon #drones4fun
If you went to #Drupalcon in Pittsburgh, it would be lovely if you could fill out the post event survey for the @drupalassoc
If you want to contribute to #oss Drupal Project Browser has plenty of topics to address, there is food for every profiles! Non-technical people, you can find something to have fun with! Great recap here > #drupalcon #contrib #design
#oss #drupalcon #contrib #design
I might have one or two more photos to share from #DrupalCon #Pittsburgh.
This one taken on first day bike ride. There is a very nice bike route along the river.
#drupalcon #pittsburgh #drones4fun #cities #rivers #darktable
We are honored to be a media sponsor once again for #DrupalCon Lille 2023 with @fosslife and @osjobhub Grants and scholarship applications are open now! #Drupal #DrupalCon #DrupalConLille #OpenSource #FOSS #events
#drupalcon #drupal #DrupalConLille #opensource #foss #events
I haven't posted a Drone photo in a while, due to travel and resettling in a temporary work location for a while with network issues.
I'm back online and here is an image from Pittsburgh.
#drones4fun #pittsburgh #drupalcon #AmateurPhotography
Last week, around 1,500 Drupal people gathered in Pittsburgh for #DrupalCon. In good tradition, I gave my State of Drupal keynote (aka #DriesNote). Check out the video of my keynote or my slides at  Special late-breaking bonus announcement included ...
Last week, around 1,500 Drupal people gathered in Pittsburgh for #DrupalCon. In good tradition, I gave my State of Drupal keynote (aka #DriesNote). Check out the video of my keynote or my slides at  Special late-breaking bonus announcement included ...
If you want to contribute to #oss Drupal Project Browser has plenty of topics to address, there is food for every profiles! Non-technical people, you can find something to have fun with! Great recap here > #drupalcon #contrib #design
#oss #drupalcon #contrib #design
Speaking of #backdropcms ...
I think we had a pretty good #DrupalCon. Unfortunately, we didn't get any sessions submitted, but there were several BOF topics on Drupal 7 EOL that included discussions of BackdropCMS.
Also, several active members of the BackdropCMS community were present and active at the con, and I got to speak with many supporters.
Just counted: #DrupalCon Pittsburgh was my 35th Drupal Camp or Con in the last 11 years, starting with Twin Cities Drupal Camp 2012.
I track them all on my profile page.
I loved reading your personal report from #DrupalCon. It was was great to see you there and have time to talk a little. I really appreciate the work you are doing in this community.
I am working on my own DrupalCon update.