Day one #drupalsouth was great, the best track was skipping lunch to take one of Thom's boards for a play on the Wellington waterfront
Booked flights and accom for #drupalsouth in Wellington. Yay! I'll be there 16-20 May, keen to say hi to folks .... It's been too long!
Did you love #linuxconfau? Then you're going to love #EverythingOpen - another excellent #conference from #LinuxAustralia.
#EverythingOpen brings together folx in the #GLAM, #OpenSource, #OpenHardware, #OpenData, #OpenCulture and related communities to share knowledge, exchange ideas and collaborate.
What you might not know is that #EverythingOpen, like other events in the Linux Australia stable - #PyConAu, #DrupalSouth, #WordCamp -
- is #volunteer-run.
This means that tickets are much more affordable than commercial or for-profit events - when was the last time you attended a 3-day #conference for around $100 per day (Hobbyist rate)?! That low cost is subsidised by the hundreds - thousands - of volunteer hours that go into the conference. To the team - thank you. You are appreciated.
Everything Open is on at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre in beautiful #Naarm #Melbourne March 14th-16th.
#linuxconfau #everythingopen #conference #linuxaustralia #glam #opensource #openhardware #opendata #openculture #pyconau #drupalsouth #wordcamp #volunteer #naarm #melbourne
Did you miss @tobybellwood’s talk at #DrupalSouth? If so, no worries - you can watch it below. He’s sharing how he would build a successful Drupal hosting platform for all users - in every department. From developers to product owners and project managers, everyone should have what they need to do their jobs.
Watch here:
#drupalsouth #drupal #Drupal10 #opensource
My session on Core web vitals and #drupal from #drupalsouth is now online, see if you can pick the moment where I miscalculated how much time I had left and got flustered. Slides are here
My session on Core web vitals and #drupal from #drupalsouth is now online, see if you can pick the moment where I miscalculated how much time I had left and got flustered
Packing for Canberra (hi #drupalsouth!), very little of my wardrobe is suitable, taking all the shorts