I got to sit inside a dalek when my dad took me into the BBC building as a kid. Utterly destroyed any sense of fear I'd had seeing one decapitated in the studio. I told my friends but nobody believed me. #drwhoday In fact this is probably why I have no friends.
Watching YouTube with child 1 last night and #DannyGonzalez talked about a #Greg who had his picture printed on a cake and ate around it. Now he has Danny’s face in the freezer. Reminded me of high school when we got a cake with a photo of Adric and ate around his face, too. #DrWhoDay
#dannygonzalez #greg #drwhoday
Whoday, Whoday? Was fürn Whoday? Ich muss da immer an "Hudey, Hudey" und den alten türkischen Nachbarn mit dem orangen Plattenspieler aus Plastik denken. 🐌 ☝️
#who #whovian #homeforwhovians #drwhoday
@ClaireCopperman @elyas I agree. I'd also suggest sprinkling the old Who in between every few episodes. #DrWhoDay
I wonder if the fourth's Dr's Jelly babies were actually a certain type of buzzy edibles?
Happy #DrWhoDay an alle #whovian s da draußen! https://youtu.be/_jjWtUpqV9w
Happy Dr. Who Day! Here is my all-time favourite Doctor with all-time favourite Assistant, and my second favourites!
#DrWhoDay #DoctorWhoDay
@bbcdoctorwho #DrWho
#drwhoday #doctorwhoday #drwho
I feel as though I should watch some #DrWho episodes today, but I probably won't. But anywhay, happy #DrWhoDay!
#drwho #drwhoday #sciencefiction
My favourite series and my favourite doctor. That scene still sends shivers down my spine.
#DrWhoDay #TardisDay #DrWho
There are #DrWho fans who won't have seen this Google Doodle game, from the 50th anniversary. So here you are. The graveyard bit's the best. #DrWhoDay https://www.google.com/doodles/doctor-whos-50th-anniversary
It is apparently #DrWhoDay today. I'm a latecomer to the fans of the Whoniverse: I binged from the beginning of the current series sometime about 5-6 years ago. I don't know how I missed it for so long!
Whatever your your days like.
#music #drwhoday #fifaworkdcup
Ragga #WorldCup22 #unofficial #releaseday anthem #topsong will brighten your #wednesday #mcr
#music #drwhoday #fifaworkdcup #worldcup22 #unofficial #releaseday #topsong #wednesday #mcr
Anlässlich des #DrWhoDay mein liebstes Zitat des Doctor - ein ganz gutes Lebensmotto, finde ich ;)
#DrWho https://t.co/C6vVUxZQFx