"El aumento de la fotosíntesis debido al elevado #CO₂ podría provocar el agotamiento del agua debido al consumo excesivo por el crecimiento de las plantas impulsado por ese CO₂, especialmente en zonas secas (#drylands)
Esto se suma a trabajos previos donde veian que la vegetación en los drylands (>70% de España) ha aumentado su sensibilidad a la precipitación y, por tanto, su vulnerabilidad a la sequía a causa de aumentos en la superficie foliar
A partir del minuto 15 podéis escuchar a Jaime Martínez Valderrama, investigador del CSIC especialista en #Desertificación y #CambioGlobal. Escucharle y leerle es imprescindible para entender qué es la desertificación, sus causas y porqué sus consecuencias negativas van mucho más allá de tener dunas de arena: https://www.rtve.es/play/audios/las-tardes-de-rne/primera-hora-2906-23/6924642/
Además, os recomiendo visitar el blog que comparte con dos reconocidos ecólogos donde se habla ampliamente de la #Ecología de #Drylands: https://aridacutis20.wordpress.com/
#drylands #ecologia #cambioglobal #desertificacion
Así ha evolucionado la aridez en los #Drylands (zonas áridas) del planeta entre el 2000 y 2020. En rojo, las zonas que ahora son más áridas (64% del total de la superficie significativa), en azul, zonas con tendencia a la reducción de la aridez (29%).
20 años es poco tiempo, pero también se ha comparado con el periodo 1980-2000 y el 86% de los píxeles muestran la misma tendencia que la de la imagen.
Mucho más detalle en el enlace: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gcb.16745
🚨 New collaborative results from the lab:
Only a minority of bacteria grow after wetting in both natural and post-mining biocrusts in a hyperarid phosphate mine
#soil #stable_isotopes #post_mining #drylands
#soil #stable_isotopes #post_mining #drylands
RT @XPathsFutures
#SDG17 at the core of the 2nd XPaths National Dialogue in Senegal!
"This was an exceptional event as it was the first time regional and national actors met with local communities to discuss pathways to #sustainablefutures in #drylands"
Learn more⬇️ https://www.xpathsfutures.org/an-overview-xpaths-second-national-dialogue-in-senegal-2/
#drylands #sustainablefutures #SDG17
RT @XPathsFutures
This week, we're holding a multi-actor #dialogue as a step to collaboratively create action plans for achieving #SDGs . We'll present main results from previous local and regional dialogues to participants and they will define strategies towards sustainable #drylands in #Spain
#spain #drylands #sdgs #dialogue
Cuando la sequedad de la atmósfera (#VPD) es alta, las plantas, al abrir los estomas para el intercambio de gases, pierden más cantidad de agua por molécula de #CO₂ fijada. Esto puede llevar al cierre de estomas para detener la pérdida de agua y, por tanto, en la detención de la fotosíntesis. En casos extremos podría agotar la planta por falta de suministro de carbono.
Así está evolucionando el VPD en las zonas donde el agua es limitante (#drylands) 📈
#CambioClimatico #drylands #co #vpd
RT @UNCCD@twitter.com
#Drylands cover 41% of the land surface, produce 44% of the crops + host over 2 billion people and 1/2 of the 🌍 livestock.
Here, adoption of scalable, effective land restoration practices has great potential to boost livelihoods, resilience and #climate mitigation #UNited4Land
#UNited4Land #climate #drylands
Due to #ClimateChange and unsustainable #landuse, up to 20% of the world's #drylands are no longer intact. These ecosystems contribute significantly to #biodiversity. This is how #SoilDegradation can be prevented using the exaple of #Namibia: https://www.isoe.de/en/news/african-savannas-social-ecological-research-with-the-aim-to-protect-soils/ #WorldSoilDay
#climatechange #landuse #drylands #biodiversity #soildegradation #namibia #worldsoilday
The here described imaginary that drylands & deserts are places of #deforestation and mismanagement was also very present, because after all #reforestation / #afforestation is done by foresters who are too often educated for different ecosystems and with a mindset of 'having invented #sustainability' which falls today under #GreenGrowth eyeing for maximum yields. As #DianaKDavis' piece makes clear, this doesn't fit #drylands and we need a #decolonization of the imaginary https://pastres.org/2020/10/30/of-deserts-and-decolonization-dispelling-myths-about-drylands
#decolonization #drylands #dianakdavis #GreenGrowth #sustainability #afforestation #reforestation #deforestation
The here described imaginary that drylands & deserts are places of #deforestation and mismanagement was also very present, because after all #reforestation / #afforestation is done by foresters who are too often educated for different ecosystems and with a mindset of 'having invented #sustainability' which falls today under #GreenGrowth eyeing for maximum yields. As #DianaKDavis' piece makes clear, this doesn't fit #drylands and we need a #decolonization of the imaginary https://pastres.org/2020/10/30/of-deserts-and-decolonization-dispelling-myths-about-drylands
#decolonization #drylands #dianakdavis #GreenGrowth #sustainability #afforestation #reforestation #deforestation
In an extensive global survey (98 sites across 6 continents!) led by Fernando Maestre, we report increasing #grazing pressure reduced #ecosystemservice delivery in warmer and species-poor #drylands, whereas positive effects of grazing were observed in colder and species-rich areas
#grazing #ecosystemservice #drylands
"A new study published in Science reports results from the first-ever global field assessment of the ecological impacts of grazing in drylands. The international research team found that grazing can have positive effects on ecosystem services, particularly in species-rich rangelands, but these effects turn to negative under a warmer climate".
#climatechange #grazing #drylands #ecosystems
#climatechange #grazing #drylands #ecosystems
If you want to know more about this work pls watch the video
👇 & read the full article:
Or the super thread @ftmaestre (🐦 ) wrote in his profile explaining everything.
I still don't have many contacts in mastodon, so if you know people/institutions involved in this research, please share it with them!
Thanks and enjoy!
#UniversidaddeAlicante #IPBES #UNCCD #Biodesert #ERCResearch #ScienceResearch #Drylands #scicomm #Ecology
#ecology #scicomm #drylands #ScienceResearch #ERCResearch #BIODESERT #unccd #ipbes #UniversidaddeAlicante
If you want to know more about this work pls watch the video
👇 & read the full article:
Or the super thread @ftmaestre (🐦 ) wrote in his profile explaining everything.
I still don't have many contacts in mastodon, so if you know people/institutions involved in this research, please share it with them!
Thanks and enjoy!
#UniversidaddeAlicante #IPBES #UNCCD #Biodesert #ERCResearch #ScienceResearch #Drylands #scicomm
#scicomm #drylands #ScienceResearch #ERCResearch #BIODESERT #unccd #ipbes #UniversidaddeAlicante
First #mastodon post and #introduction. — I’m a #geography prof in #newmexico #usa, who seeks to advance our understanding of integrated human-environment system dynamics through mixed-methods research that combines #remotesensing, #gis, #spatialmodeling, and quantitative and qualitative #fieldwork. My work is #interdisciplinary, #international, and #collaborative, mostly in the world's #drylands but also in the #tropics. Love #travel, #hiking, #camping, #wine, #spicy food, and lots more 😊
#mastodon #introduction #geography #newmexico #usa #remotesensing #GIS #spatialmodeling #fieldwork #interdisciplinary #international #collaborative #drylands #tropics #travel #hiking #camping #wine #spicy
'Grazing and ecosystem service delivery in global drylands'
🎬 https://youtu.be/8diTv61m0Fg
Hello all! #introduction! I am a landscape and ecosystem #ecologist living in beautiful Moab, UT. I study how sensitive ecosystems (#arctic and #drylands) respond to climate change and land-use history.
#introduction #ecologist #arctic #drylands
A little #introduction toot!
I'm Max, I just started a postdoc at SLU in Umeå, Sweden. I'm really interested in: #ecology, #globalchange, #terrestrial #macroecology, #climatechange, #functionaltraits, #carboncycle.
My PhD was on #rangeshifts in #biocrust species in Australian #drylands and Norwegian #tundra. Currently working on a global study, #projectthreshold, to uncover nutrient cycling tipping points in mountain ecosystems.
Also I use they/them pronouns in english 🙂
#introduction #ecology #globalchange #terrestrial #macroecology #climatechange #FunctionalTraits #carboncycle #RangeShifts #biocrust #drylands #tundra #projectthreshold