Quite excited about this! I have quite oily hair and because I don't want to have to wash my hair every day, I have been using dry shampoos. Recently, I thought I look into how to create my own and found a receipe that only uses corn flour (to soak up the oil) and coco (to darken it). For the smell I just stuck some dry lavender into the powder. You apply it with a make up brush and it worked really well and smells amazing!
#organic #makeup #MakeYourOwn #dryshampoo #sustainability #sustainable
#organic #makeup #makeyourown #dryshampoo #sustainability #sustainable
Here's how to use #DryShampoo the right way for fresh, clean locks every time
(via @htlifeandstyle)
https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/fashion/avoid-bad-hair-days-top-tips-for-using-dry-shampoo-the-right-way-for-beautiful-and-healthy-hair-101681967395083.html #press
#PSA - Benzene #News: Check your #DryShampoo to see if it was in recent #Benzene #recall.
We have a Aryl hydrocarbon receptor, that benzene can attach to, but it does much more than that.
It's possible that those receptors evolved to notify us of dangerous chemicals and the #cannabinoid recptors could have evolved for the opposite purpose. To draw us in.
#psa #news #dryshampoo #benzene #recall #cannabinoid