Kotaku: Hideo Kojima Says Death Stranding 2 Will Redefine 'Strand' https://kotaku.com/death-stranding-2-ps5-pc-hideo-kojima-covid-pandemic-1850704196 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #draftdeathstranding2 #samporterbridges #deathstranding #hideokojima #ds2
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #draftdeathstranding2 #samporterbridges #deathstranding #hideokojima #ds2
RT @RinoTheBouncer
In 2016, Death Stranding was my most anticipated game of all time🚀
In 2022, Death Stranding 2 became my most anticipated game of all time🎮
Only Hideo Kojima breaks his own records in everything, from hype to quality and production😎
#PlayStation #PS5 #DS2 @Kojima_Hideo… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1652910129308655620
Hier der Plan für diese Woche 🧐
-> twitch.tv/haselnuuuss
#twitch #streamer #streaming #TwitchDE #beatsaber #vr #Larry #DS2 #DarkSouls #watchparty #film #thewitcher3 #kochen
#twitch #streamer #Streaming #twitchde #beatsaber #vr #larry #ds2 #darksouls #watchparty #film #thewitcher3 #kochen
Streamplan für die restliche Woche ☺️
#twitch #twitchstreamer #TwitchDE #twitchtv #streamer #streaming #streamplan #SCHEDULE #larry7 #DarkSouls #darksouls2 #ds2 #TheWitcher3 #TheWitcher3WildHunt #watchparty #CarnivalRow #vr #BeatSaber #kochen #haselnuss
#twitch #twitchstreamer #twitchde #twitchtv #streamer #Streaming #streamplan #Schedule #larry7 #darksouls #darksouls2 #ds2 #thewitcher3 #thewitcher3wildhunt #watchparty #carnivalrow #vr #beatsaber #kochen #haselnuss
Let's goooo!
Fange am Dienstag mit Day of the Tentacle an. Bin sehr gespannt.
Am Sonntag gibt es ein Cthulhu #Pnp bei @freiraumreh auf dem Kanal.
Mit dabei sind außerdem: ArtemizPlayz Drachenkraut BENandPAPER und DieAlriks als Spielleiter. Ich freue mich sehr drauf 🥰🎲
#dayofthetentacle #vr #beatsaber #rollenspiel #cthulhu #thewitcher3 #kochen #ds2
#pnp #dayofthetentacle #vr #beatsaber #rollenspiel #cthulhu #thewitcher3 #kochen #ds2
Czekam i na pewno biorę preordera 😍 #DS2 #PS5 #DeathStranding2 #HideoKojima
#hideokojima #deathstranding2 #ps5 #ds2
Ich brauche diese Woche wieder 2 Streamfreie Tage. Am Sonntag kochen wir nur und danach leite ich meine aller erste #PnP Runde, die ihr dann auch bald danach zu sehen bekommt. Ich bin super aufgeregt und muss die Woche noch einiges vorbereiten.
#twitch #stream #zelda #halflife2 #GOW #ds2 #planetcrafter #kochen #DnD #dnd5e
#pnp #twitch #stream #zelda #halflife2 #GOW #ds2 #planetcrafter #kochen #DnD #dnd5e
Wir haben bei NAT-Games mal ein bisschen die Game Awards 2022 resümiert. Überall zu hören, wos Podcasts gibt. Zumindest fast. Also auf Spotify, Apple und Amazon Music zumindest.
#gameawards #thegameawards #DS2 #hades2 #FORSPOKEN #diablo4 #FinalFantasyXIV
#gameawards #thegameawards #ds2 #hades2 #forspoken #Diablo4 #finalfantasyxiv
Death Stranding 2. #DS2 #deathstranding #kojima #KojimaProductions #videogames
#ds2 #deathstranding #kojima #KojimaProductions #videogames
detto ciò, il trailer è uno spettacolo https://invidious.namazso.eu/watch?v=krnQLJYjMXo #DeathStranding2 #DS2
RT @DeathStranding_@twitter.com
Did you miss him? #DeathStranding2 #TheGameAwards #DS2
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DeathStranding_/status/1601041879771934722
#deathstranding2 #thegameawards #ds2
RT @DeathStranding_@twitter.com
How are we feeling, Porters? #DeathStranding2 #TheGameAwards #DS2
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DeathStranding_/status/1601042219871653888
#deathstranding2 #thegameawards #ds2
RT @DeathStranding_@twitter.com
#DeathStranding2 #TheGameAwards #DS2
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DeathStranding_/status/1601076067154165760
#deathstranding2 #thegameawards #ds2
RT @DeathlessFreaks@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DeathlessFreaks/status/1601057383936950273
#DS2 #DeathStranding2 #HideoKojima #Drawbridge #TheStickandTheRope #ToProtectandConnect #TogetherForTomorrow #Videogames #Nawa #KobeAbe #TimRogers #HideoKojima #GeoffKeighley #TheGameAwards
#ds2 #deathstranding2 #hideokojima #drawbridge #thestickandtherope #toprotectandconnect #togetherfortomorrow #videogames #nawa #kobeabe #timrogers #geoffkeighley #thegameawards
Die Katze ist aus dem Sack! Nun wissen wir was es mit Kojimas mysteriösen Bildern auf sich hatte:
#DeathStranding2 wurde mit einem Trailer angekündigt!
#GameAwards #DS2
#deathstranding2 #gameawards #ds2
Buckle up for this global announcement from one of the industry’s most visionary game studios! #DS2 @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN #TheGameAwards
Originally posted by: The Game Awards / @thegameawards@twitter.com