We covered this family on EYE ON NPI about a year ago https://blog.adafruit.com/2022/05/26/eye-on-npi-analog-devices-maxim-max31329-real-time-clock-rtc-eyeonnpi-adi_news-digikey-adafruit/ and parts we booked back then finally appeared so we can design a prototype board! here it is in our STEMMA QT format - on the back is a coin cell holder to keep time for up to 7 years #AnalogDevices #MAX31328 #DS3231
#analogdevices #max31328 #ds3231
Blackout Logger Keeps Track of Power Outages https://hackaday.com/2022/11/26/blackout-logger-keeps-track-of-power-outages/ #RaspberryPiPico #RaspberryPi #datalogger #DS3231RTC #DS3231 #eink #rtc
#RaspberryPiPico #RaspberryPi #datalogger #ds3231rtc #ds3231 #eink #rtc
Blackout Logger Keeps Track of Power Outages - [Dmytro Panin] lives in Kyiv, Ukraine where there have been rolling blackouts to s... - https://hackaday.com/2022/11/26/blackout-logger-keeps-track-of-power-outages/ #raspberrypipico #raspberrypi #datalogger #ds3231rtc #ds3231 #eink #rtc
#rtc #eink #ds3231 #ds3231rtc #datalogger #raspberrypi #raspberrypipico
The last two bytes hold a value from the temperature sensor in #ds3231.
float((0x16 << 2) | (0x00 >> 6))/4
in python to convert to ℃. I've got BME280 to play with too. We'll see how precise are both sensors.
You may want to synchronize your system clock with an #NTP server beforehand. #ds3231 #buspirate
TZ=UTC date '+[208 0 0x%S 0x%M 0x%H 5 0x%d 0x%m 0x%y]' > /dev/ttyUSB0
Set current UTC date and time. "5" in the middle is because Arduino libraries assume Sunday is "1" and today is Thursday. Before running this command, set I²C mode on the #buspirate and exit the terminal emulator. #ds3231