Die Elektronik und damit alle Einstellungen ( Radio, AC, Navi) unseres neuen Autos ist so kompliziert, dass ich mir nicht vorstellen kann, dass ein normaler Mensch je wieder Bock hat, ein neues #Auto zu kaufen. Wer will 48 Stunden im kalten Auto sitzen, um rauszufinden, wie man das Navi programmiert? Erinnert mich an ‚runaway selection‘ in der #Evolution. #DS4
Looks like #gameloft corrupted a heap of user data for #asphalt8. Given how much some folks spend on that game, hope they have a #backup and @rollback strategy for customer data. On the plus side, #ea seems to have fixed #ds4 support in #RealRacing3.
#GameLoft #asphalt8 #backup #ea #ds4 #realracing3
Currently charging my #hybrid for the first time - nervous wreck. What if someone steals my cable? Or breaks the cover of my plug? Why can’t I program my app to ring me when charging is completed? How do I roll up the cable if I accidentally drop it in dog shit? Which moronic ivory tower man ( zero doubt) has developed such a system without an integrated, spring-driven self-roll-up cable IN THE CHARGING STATION??
Is it only me or does anyone else also has problem mixing #Dualshock4 and #Dualsense via Bluetooth? DS4 + DS4 work as well as DS + DS works but mixing them causes disconnecting one of them.
#ds4 #linuxgaming
#dualshock4 #Dualsense #ds4 #linuxgaming