The 2023 DSA National Convention endorsed an ambitious agenda. DSA members need to step up to make it possible by giving more in dues to DSA. B&R members will do our part. #DSA #DSAConvention2023
Three Giant Steps for DSA #DSA #DSAConvention2023
DSA’s approach to internationalism doesn’t center working-class struggle enough. Delegates to the 2023 Convention can change that with a vote for Amendment C to the IC Consensus Resolution: For a Class-Struggle Internationalism via @SocialistCall@birdsite #DSAConvention2023 #DSA #InternationalCommittee #amendements #BnR #Internationalism
#dsaconvention2023 #dsa #internationalcommittee #amendements #bnr #internationalism
For those #delegates to the convention this is a great read of what is going to be debated at convention and setting a path for us on the question of labor #DSA #DSAConvention2023 #PreCon #Amendments #Labor #DemocraticSocialist #Socialist
#delegates #dsa #dsaconvention2023 #precon #amendments #labor #democraticsocialist #socialist
Looking to get more discussion going around #socialism and #DemocraticSocialists convention, there is a lot to discuss at this convention, i am a #delegate for the #Boston chapter.
#socialism #democraticsocialists #delegate #boston #dsa #dsaconvention2023
For all #DSA members consider this resolution at convention
'The time has come to rejuvenate our bylaws’ say in the matter and bring back the NAC from our past. The benefits to DSA far outweigh the cost, and I urge a yes vote to “Renew the National Activist Conference.”' #DSAConvention2023 #BnR
Voting, elections, panels, trainings, plenaries… wondering how DSA can get everything done in one convention weekend? We can’t! That’s why we need to revive the National Activist Conference. #DSA #BnR #DSAConvention2023