#Elezioni #Ecuador #Presidenziali
53,6% scrutinato:
Luisa #González (#RC|Sinistra): 33,25%
Daniel #Noboa (supp. #ADN-#MOVER)|Centro-sinistra: 24,15%
Christian #Zurita (#MC25|Centro-destra): 16,21%
Jan #Topić (supp. #PSC-#PSP-#CD)|Destra cristiana|Centro-sinistra: 14,62%
Otto #Sonnenholzner (#Avanza|Centro-sinistra): 7,14%
Yaku #Pérez (supp. #UP-#PSE-#DSÍ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 3,81%
Xavier #Hervas (#RETO|Centro-destra): 0,4%
Bolívar #Armijos (#AMIGO|Centro-destra): 0,3%
#elezioni #ecuador #presidenziali #Gonzalez #rc #noboa #adn #mover #zurita #mc25 #topic #psc #psp #cd #sonnenholzner #avanza #perez #up #pse #dsi #hervas #reto #armijos #amigo
#Elezioni #Ecuador #Presidenziali
5,71% scrutinato:
Luisa #González (#RC|Sinistra): 32,37%
Daniel #Noboa (supp. #ADN-#MOVER)|Centro-sinistra: 24,62%
Christian #Zurita (#MC25|Centro-destra): 16,38%
Jan #Topić (supp. #PSC-#PSP-#CD)|Destra cristiana|Centro-sinistra: 14,8%
Otto #Sonnenholzner (#Avanza|Centro-sinistra): 6,84%
Yaku #Pérez (supp. #UP-#PSE-#DSÍ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 4,18%
Xavier #Hervas (#RETO|Centro-destra): 0,46%
Bolívar #Armijos (#AMIGO|Centro-destra): 0,3%
#elezioni #ecuador #presidenziali #Gonzalez #rc #noboa #adn #mover #zurita #mc25 #topic #psc #psp #cd #sonnenholzner #avanza #perez #up #pse #dsi #hervas #reto #armijos #amigo
#Elezioni #Ecuador #Presidenziali
1,26% scrutinato:
Luisa #González (#RC|Sinistra): 32,88%
Daniel #Noboa (supp. #ADN-#MOVER)|Centro-sinistra: 24,2%
Christian #Zurita (#MC25|Centro-destra): 16,25%
Jan #Topić (supp. #PSC-#PSP-#CD)|Destra cristiana|Centro-sinistra: 14,56%
Otto #Sonnenholzner (#Avanza|Centro-sinistra): 6,59%
Yaku #Pérez (supp. #UP-#PSE-#DSÍ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 4,68%
Xavier #Hervas (#RETO|Centro-destra): 0,5%
Bolívar #Armijos (#AMIGO|Centro-destra): 0,34%
#elezioni #ecuador #presidenziali #Gonzalez #rc #noboa #adn #mover #zurita #mc25 #topic #psc #psp #cd #sonnenholzner #avanza #perez #up #pse #dsi #hervas #reto #armijos #amigo
#Elezioni #Ecuador #Presidenziali
0,29% scrutinato:
Luisa #González (#RC|Sinistra): 33,49%
Daniel #Noboa (supp. #ADN-#MOVER)|Centro-sinistra: 22,77%
Christian #Zurita (#MC25|Centro-destra): 16,14%
Jan #Topić (supp. #PSC-#PSP-#CD)|Destra cristiana|Centro-sinistra: 14,33%
Otto #Sonnenholzner (#Avanza|Centro-sinistra): 6,71%
Yaku #Pérez (supp. #UP-#PSE-#DSÍ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 5,6%
Xavier #Hervas (#RETO|Centro-destra): 0,5%
Bolívar #Armijos (#AMIGO|Centro-destra): 0,3%
#elezioni #ecuador #presidenziali #Gonzalez #rc #noboa #adn #mover #zurita #mc25 #topic #psc #psp #cd #sonnenholzner #avanza #perez #up #pse #dsi #hervas #reto #armijos #amigo
#Elezioni #Ecuador #Presidenziali
0,17% scrutinato:
Luisa #González (#RC|Sinistra): 35,56%
Daniel #Noboa (supp. #ADN-#MOVER)|Centro-sinistra: 21,64%
Jan #Topić (supp. #PSC-#PSP-#CD)|Destra cristiana|Centro-sinistra: 14,14%
Christian #Zurita (#MC25|Centro-destra): 15,78%
Otto #Sonnenholzner (#Avanza|Centro-sinistra): 6,34%
Yaku #Pérez (supp. #UP-#PSE-#DSÍ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra: 5,67%
Xavier #Hervas (#RETO|Centro-destra): 0,5%
Bolívar #Armijos (#AMIGO|Centro-destra): 0,4%
#elezioni #ecuador #presidenziali #Gonzalez #rc #noboa #adn #mover #topic #psc #psp #cd #zurita #mc25 #sonnenholzner #avanza #perez #up #pse #dsi #hervas #reto #armijos #amigo
Plus de la moitié des entreprises sont submergées par les données, d'après un nouveau rapport du spécialiste de l'infrastructure Hitachi Vantara https://data-science.developpez.com/actu/346576/Plus-de-la-moitie-des-entreprises-sont-submergees-par-les-donnees-d-apres-un-nouveau-rapport-du-specialiste-de-l-infrastructure-Hitachi-Vantara #entreprise #données #infrastructure #stockage_des_données #centre_de_données #dsi #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm #99th_revue
#99th_revue #2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #dsi #centre_de_donnees #stockage_des_donnees #infrastructure #donnees #entreprise
ICAO: #A79B80
First seen: 2023/07/05 18:06:59
Min Alt: 4975 ft MSL
Min Dist: 1.02 nm
Peak Audio: -60 dBFS
Loudness: 1 dB
#planefence #adsb - https://planefence.com
#a79b80 #adsdtst1 #dsi #new #planefence #adsb
ZOOM TECHNO CANOPSIS 🛠️ Le filtrage d'événements
Découvrez cette fonctionnalité phare de notre solution d'hypervision Open Source en 4 points !
Pour plus d'informations 👇
La #supervision ne suffit plus 🙅♂️ Passez à Canopsis 🚀
#dsi #opensource #hypervision #supervision #monitoring #filtrage #eventfilter
#eventfilter #filtrage #monitoring #hypervision #opensource #dsi #supervision
ZOOM TECHNO CANOPSIS 🛠️ Le filtrage d'événements
Découvrez cette fonctionnalité phare de notre solution d'hypervision Open Source en 4 points !
Pour plus d'informations 👇
#dsi #opensource #hypervision #supervision #monitoring #filtrage #eventfilter
#eventfilter #filtrage #monitoring #supervision #hypervision #opensource #dsi
I bought a brand new #Nintendo #DSi XL. Never opened. So beautiful and well-made. Gonna play #SuperPrincessPeach on it!
#nintendo #dsi #superprincesspeach
ZOOM TECHNO CANOPSIS 🛠️ Le bac à alarmes
Cette fonctionnalité centrale de notre solution d'hypervision Open Source est une véritable tour de contrôle de la gestion des incidents !
En savoir plus 👇
#incidentologie #dsi #alerting #monitoring #supervision
Forse politie-inzet en arrestaties na melding dat mannen met wapens op schip staan [+foto]
#politie #dsi #wapens #sasvangent
DSI: SOFIA-Hauptspiegel ist ausgebaut
Am 3. Mai 2023 ist der Augapfel des SOFIA-Observatoriums – der Hauptspiegel samt seiner Haltestruktur – ausgebaut worden. Eine Information der Universität Stuttgart, Deutsches SOFIA Institut. (sg) #SOFIA #DSI
Breaking Into the Nintendo DSi Through the (Browser) Window
Time to synth nerd… Finally had some time to do Voice Component Modelling, guided by the great work of Jason Cooper, aka CreativeSpiral. Brilliant stuff, it immediately evokes all the usual ways to describe old analog synths like ‘natural’, ‘organic’, ‘rich’. It once more shows Dave Smith and his team really knew what they were doing https://www.voicecomponentmodeling.com/ #dsi #sequential #prophet #rev2
#rev2 #prophet #sequential #dsi
Échirolles libérée ! La dégooglisation (3) https://framablog.org/2023/03/24/echirolles-liberee-la-degooglisation-3/ #témoignages de«dégooglisation» #applicationsmétier #enjeuxdunumérique #logicielslibres #schémadirecteur #collectivités #degooglisons #coopération #migration #communes #clients #cloud #gandi #linux #nginx #sogo #dsi
#dsi #sogo #nginx #linux #gandi #cloud #clients #communes #migration #cooperation #degooglisons #collectivites #schemadirecteur #logicielslibres #enjeuxdunumerique #applicationsmetier #temoignages
First seen: 2023/03/17 15:21:50
Min Alt: 893 ft AGL
Min Dist: 1.35 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
#pdhsaerialphotography #gpt #dsi
Échirolles libérée ! La dégooglisation (2) https://framablog.org/2023/03/17/echirolles-liberee-la-degooglisation-2/ #témoignages de«dégooglisation» #enjeuxdunumérique #schémadirecteur #feuillederoute #logiciellibre #arborescence #municipalité #echirolles #migration #nextcloud #serveurs #bigdata #équipe #cloud #dsi #ged
#ged #dsi #cloud #equipe #bigdata #serveurs #nextcloud #migration #echirolles #municipalite #arborescence #logiciellibre #FeuilleDeRoute #schemadirecteur #enjeuxdunumerique #temoignages
buying a second-hand #DSi and hacking it was probably the best idea that ever spawned in my silly little mind (#AnimalCrossing Wild World is the only thing that's keeping me alive these days)
@macharabia can't thank you enough for the computer-hacker-dark-magic part babe