only the crazy people @ #Nintendo would sit down and be like "yes let's have players use a pen and press buttons at the same time"
i 've been doing this for over 19 years and am just now realizing how uniquely strange this method of #PlayingGames is
and yes, usually I use my fingers instead but #ForSomeReason I am using the stylus a lot recently
too bad i lost the #FatStylus this #DSiXL came with, that thing was a king (like the #XBOX DUKE of stylus)
#nintendo #playinggames #forsomereason #fatstylus #dsixl #xbox
#DSiXL speakers sound like monkeys screaming with pillows over mouths outside my window at night while I'm trying to sleep with earplugs in while my 4-month-old son is making loud farts.