#DSNY SAFE Disposal Event today at Teachers College. Frigging Amazing. All of 120th blocked off. Incredible presence. They started early. Got rid of laptops, batteries, expired fire extinguisher, bulbs. I love DSNY!
#deathcleaning #clean #recycling #dsny
It felt like I walked 2 miles to recycle the electronics today. #electronics #electronicsrecycling #nycrecycling #dsny
#dsny #nycrecycling #electronicsrecycling #electronics
I had no idea of the extent. I see a lot of #tempTags. Will have to start photographing them. Found out that if a vehicle has no plates I should not call it in as abandoned because the perp can just move it before #DSNY responds. I'll call it in as illegal parking and that way the #NYPD comes quick. On the #UpperWestSIde they are even likely to ticket.
#streetsblognyc #LicensePlates #templicenseplates #upperwestside #nypd #dsny #temptags
Preet Bharara is an attorney at the firm where I work. Here he is on Meet the Press yesterday, saying that to NOT charge the former president for the same crime that Michael Cohen's already served time for committing, would be a breach of justice.
#charge #arrest #convict #jail #time for #justice #pick a #case #fed #state #DOJ #DSNY #NY #GA #just #put #him #away https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMXGShXsOrc
#charge #arrest #convict #jail #time #justice #pick #case #fed #state #doj #GA #just #put #him #away #dsny #ny
@alec @THECITY About those digester eggs. A year ago I found this same link. https://www.wm.com/NYCMA/WMCORe%20varick-factsheet%20073114.pdf
which describes the use of the Newtown Creek Dignester eggs and organics collection as a pilot of Waste Management. #DSNY is slow walking this like you wouldn't believe. Ask #NewtownCreekAlliance how long that facility has been flaring gas and talking about actually providing it to #NationalGrid customers. At least 4 years.
#WasteManagement #NewtownCreek #DigesterEggs
#organics #recycling
#recycling #Organics #digestereggs #newtowncreek #wastemanagement #NationalGrid #newtowncreekalliance #dsny
@alec @THECITY
I wonder who they spoke with. They got much better answers than I did when I asked the question of where do all the organics go. The answers were evasive and complicated. "The digester eggs at the Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant turn food waste and sewage into methane, which is partly used to help power the facility and partly burned off.
Other food waste goes to the Pine Island Farm Digester Facility in western Massachusetts."
Wow. Hadn't known that #FeralPigs once lived here in #NYC in great numbers and ate garbage. Predated #rats? So my queries will be to #DSNY. Totally amazed that zero attention is drawn to their existence in old photos and drawings.
Wow. Hadn't known that #FeralPigs once lived here in #NYC in great numbers and ate garbage. Predated #rats? So my queries will be to #DSNY. Totally amazed that zero attention is drawn to their existence in old photos and drawings.