Today is the 50th (!) anniversary of Pink Floyd’s most loved album Dark Side Of The Moon. Instead of linking to a stream, I’m going to suggest digging out the LP, cassette or CD you surely own, and give it a real listen again. #DarkSideOfTheMoon #DSOTM50
Today is the 50th (!) anniversary of Pink Floyd’s most loved album Dark Side Of The Moon. Instead of linking to a stream, I’m going to suggest digging out the LP, cassette or CD you surely own, and give it a real listen again. #DarkSideOfTheMoon #DSOTM50
Happy 50th birthday #DarkSideOfTheMoon, you lovely lovely record. Shine On You Crazy Diamond! (Shit, wrong album) #DarkSideOfTheMoon50 #dsotm50
#darksideofthemoon #darksideofthemoon50 #dsotm50
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too,
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
#dsotm50 #PinkFloyd
And when your head explodes with dark forebodings too,
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
#dsotm50 #PinkFloyd