#NASA 📆 July 12, 2023 #DSS23 started in 📆 February 2021 at the Goldstone, #California, #DSN Complex (with #OpticalCommunication
capabilities, which will be critical to communicate with #astronauts 👨🚀👩🚀 traveling to #Mars 🔴). NASA cannot use #RadioFrequency communications to carry higher data rates like those required for Mars without increasing
the size of its antennas 📡 or power of its radio transmitters. Therefore, the Agency is developing #optical communications (use
of light as a means of transmitting information through #lasers) https://oig.nasa.gov/docs/IG-23-016.pdf
#DSOC #DeepSpaceNetwork #SpaceCommunication #LaserCommunication
Pictures : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Breaking_ground_on_Goldstone_Deep_Space_Communications_Complex.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Lcrd_new.jpg
#NASA #dss23 #California #dsn #opticalcommunication #astronauts #Mars #radiofrequency #optical #lasers #dsoc #deepspacenetwork #spacecommunication #lasercommunication