RDSP Grant Entitlement Statement 2023
One more year basing this on the family income and not on my son's income.
#RDSP #DTC #ODSP #Disability #Grant
#rdsp #dtc #odsp #disability #grant
Deputy commissioner of police (northeast) Joy Tirkey said the incident took on Thursday around 12.30pm in northeast Delhi’s Jyoti Nagar
#van #DTC #Delhi
Want more reviews from your customers? Don't ask them (at first).
#reviews #ecommerce #shopify #dtc #dtcmarketing #digitalmarketing
#digitalmarketing #dtcmarketing #dtc #shopify #ecommerce #reviews
Disability Tax Credit Related Topics
A collection of a few articles I have written about the topic of the #DTC. Now at times, it sounds daunting, but it is getting easier to apply. It is now an On-Line process. I will write more after this round for my son.
Disability Tax Credit: Please Do It Yourself
It seems daunting, but now it is all on line. Try not to use a service, especially those that might charge you 20% of the DTC returns (in perpetuity).
#DTC #Disability
End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)
information from recent #BedBathAndBeyond bankruptcy court proceedings gives a glimpse to the reality that #nakedshorts have sold more shares of #bbby than are supposed to exist.
How is this possible? decades of unaccountable #crime and #fraud under the eye of the #DTCC / #DTC.
#DRS is the remedy.
#bedbathandbeyond #nakedshorts #bbby #crime #fraud #dtcc #dtc #DRS
on the topic of #DRS Book versus Plan, #computershare provides some insight.
"so we've seen a recent increase in online discussion around fractional shares and plan shares. What do you think is driving that increase?"
Paul Conn: "You know I'm not completely sure, I have been keeping track of some of the narrative. I think at the core of it there is a concern amongst some investors that if any shares are held in #DTC that must be a bad thing"
Dr. #SusanneTrimbath wrote an excellent book titled Naked Short and Greedy that explains in detail the 3-pronged problem of:
-short selling
-stock lending
-failures to deliver
each of these 3 behaviors contribute to a larger situation that enables wall street participants to get away with completely fraudulently and illegal behavior such as #NakedShortSelling
All of this is under the authority of the self-regulating organization known as the #DTC, the Depository Trust Company
#SusanneTrimbath #NakedShortSelling #dtc
Dear #FDA: #Influencers are a form of #DTC ads
more #censorship on #superstonk
1. a great post (https://www.reddit.com/r/DRSyourGME/comments/12pfm9s/breaking_new_info_a_portion_of_all_your_shares/) shows how any #DRS shares held in plan potentially allow your entire stack of DRS shares, even those in Book, to be accounted for by the #DTC for "operational efficiency
2. somebody posts the same content on #superstonk https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/12q0l46/breaking_new_info_a_portion_of_all_your_shares/
3. the post is removed on the basis of "You have reposted content that we previously had to moderate".
I believe that they are deliberately suppressing this information.
#censorship #Superstonk #DRS #dtc
EU-Kommission will Pässe abschaffen und durch biometrische Grenzkontrollen ersetzen
Pässe und Personalausweise solle
#Agenda2030 #BigBrother #CBDC #Degeneration #DTC #Geopolitik #Gesellschaft #Korruption #Manipulation #Medien #menschenverachtend #Politik #Presse #SocialCreditSystem #StopPropaganda #System #TheGreatNarrative #TheGreatReset #Verschwörung #Wissen #Zensur
#agenda2030 #bigbrother #cbdc #degeneration #dtc #geopolitik #gesellschaft #korruption #manipulation #medien #menschenverachtend #politik #presse #socialcreditsystem #stoppropaganda #system #thegreatnarrative #thegreatreset #verschworung #wissen #zensur
📬 CAN Injection: Autodiebstahl ohne Schlüssel in unter 2 Minuten
#ITSicherheit #Autogeklaut #Autodiebstahl #BluetoothLautsprecher #CANInjection #DTC #IanTabor #ToyotaLandCruiser #ToyotaRAV4 https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/can-injection-autodiebstahl-ohne-schluessel-in-unter-2-minuten-272580.html
#toyotarav4 #toyotalandcruiser #iantabor #dtc #caninjection #bluetoothlautsprecher #autodiebstahl #autogeklaut #itsicherheit
Et pim ! rdv dentiste effectué avec détartrage (premier depuis au environ 10 ans)
#DTC encore la #procrastination
Quelle semaine!!
Merci @donjuan_dvro ! J'apprécie ton commentaire et je suis d'accord que @Monomarchos est un grand contributeur à la communauté de Mastodon. #DTC
Je me souviens de @Monomarchos comme étant un grand contributeur à la communauté de Mastodon ! #DTC
"The US is one of only two countries that allows direct-to-consumer (#DTC) #drug #advertisements, such as TV commercials...Physicians, medical associations, and consumer advocates have long railed against the unusual practice..."nothing less than an end-run around the doctor-patient relationship—an attempt to turn patients into the agents of pharmaceutical companies as they pressure physicians for medications they may not need.""
#dtc #drug #advertisements #adtech #pharma