Today we are represented at the #EU #DigitalTwinOcean forum by @Ruth_Mottram - part of the #EUmission for the #Ocean
Not sure what a digital twin is or what you can use it for?
Check out #EDITO #DTO #MissionOcean
#MissionOcean #dto #edito #ocean #EUMission #digitaltwinocean #eu
#NestJS can get pretty complicated with #TypeORM, #DTO and #AutoMapper. I'm still missing #Validation and #ACL.
#nestjs #typeorm #dto #automapper #validation #acl
Another #Android #RAT capable of full #DTO that is in the wild. "The threat actor behind the #BlackRock and #ERMAC Android banking trojans has unleashed yet another #malware for rent called #Hook that introduces new capabilities to access files stored in the devices and create a remote interactive session."
#android #rat #dto #blackrock #ERMAC #malware #hook #maas #hacking #banking #trojan #threatintelligence
美國微軟推行「自主休假」 員工可無上限自行休假
#國際新聞 #DTO #Microsoft #微軟 #美國 #自主休假
#國際新聞 #dto #microsoft #微軟 #美國 #自主休假
about that Discretionary Time Off: