そんな捻くれた感情でいるもんだから全然良い写真が撮れない。アンテナ〜〜〜 #dtp
Liebe #InDesign #DTP -Menschen, bitte schickt eurem Übersetzer kein PDF. Unsere CAT-Tools verwandeln das für die #xl8 in ein meist layout-zerschossenes DOCX, das ihr per Copy/Paste nach ID zurücktragen dürft.
Exportiert stattdessen ein .IDML (ID's XML-Austauschformat), das ihr nach der Übersetzung nahtlos nach ID zurückimportieren könnt, dann wird die Welt für uns alle einfacher. Danke. #servicetoot
#InDesign #dtp #xl8 #servicetoot
Hey don't get me wrong @F100 , as far as I'm correct Sergei Bernstein was born in Ukraine. You could be proud of him and his contributions to #cgi #vectorgraphics #cad #DTP #motiondesign #3danimation #gis and so much more. At least one of our artist's spent quite a few hours on the tribute portrait of him, but it almost seems like you don't give a shoe about this kind of RESPECT.
Why is it that I can see you already in olive with a machine gun on your shoulder when I close my eyes?
#cgi #vectorgraphics #cad #dtp #motiondesign #3danimation #gis
2023 is the 50th Anniversary for #guiOS driven computer SYSTEMS and #WYSIWYG . Fans of #retrocomputers can see the few left of 2.000 original #XeroxAlto's at #CHM, Mountain View, CA. and #VCF 's like the #vcfb in mid October, #Berlin.
A portrait of Chuck tHacker will be added soon into our #gfkDSGN #vectorgraphics and if you share this #SVG point in #itHistory with us or among the #Fediverse we have to hurry even more #DTP the next #Inkscape & #FOSS #screenshot's
#guios #wysiwyg #retrocomputers #xeroxalto #chm #vcf #vcfb #berlin #gfkdsgn #vectorgraphics #svg #ithistory #fediverse #dtp #inkscape #foss #screenshot
This #screenshot of #SVG #Vector #Art is #MadeWithInkscape and shared with you on #MastoArt thanks to professor Sergei Bernstein. 1912 he developed the math and foundation for modern #CAD & #DTP software with #Bézier handles and #Casteljau curves.
#screenshot #svg #vector #art #madewithinkscape #MastoArt #cad #dtp #bezier #casteljau
【InDesign】「PDFバックグラウンド書き出し」のオン・オフおよび書き出し中の確認方法 | Blue-Scre{7}n.net | よそいちのDTPメモ
https://blue-screeeeeeen.net/indesign/sono7.html #dtp
https://community.adobe.com/t5/illustrator%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A9%E3%83%A0-discussions/%E3%83%90%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A6%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%81%A7%E4%BF%9D%E5%AD%98-%E6%99%82%E3%81%AE%E4%B8%8D%E5%85%B7%E5%90%88%E3%81%AB%E3%81%A4%E3%81%84%E3%81%A6/m-p/14040383?profile.language=ja#M33047 #dtp
heise+ | Das eigene Buch von der Idee bis zum Druck: Self-Publishing meistern
Self-Publishing macht's möglich: Mit diesen Tipps und Tools wie Affinity Publisher kommen Sie von der Idee zum fertigen Buch. Ein Erfahrungsbericht.
#adobeindesign #dtp #fotografie #news
たとえば、DTP画像トリミングの自動化などに応用できないかな?とか。この手の技術で何か応用できるアイデアをお持ちの方、教えてください。詳細はこちら: https://osima.jp/posts/deeplab-v3-plus-my-bread-120-demo/ #dtp
デザイン書籍の世界にも、X(鳥)の「インフルエンサー」な人が来るようになったのか………… #dtp
#technoedge #テクノロジー #ニュース #レビュー #ゲーム #ガジェット #TechnoEdge_Side #TechnoEdge #DTP
#technoedge #テクノロジー #ニュース #レビュー #ゲーム #ガジェット #technoedge_side #dtp
Surprised Johns death is not acknowledged on the front of #Apple website, since #Adobe was critical to the success of the Macintosh through #Postscript #DTP, #Laserwriter and last I checked, the reason most creative professionals buy high end #Mac is to use one Adobe's pro apps. His death is such irony considering the removal of Type 1 fonts from #Microsoft365. https://news.adobe.com/news/news-details/2023/Adobe-Co-Founder-Dr.-John-Warnock-Passes-at-82/default.aspx
#apple #adobe #postscript #dtp #laserwriter #mac #Microsoft365
Family fights for over two decades for compensation for their son's #DTP #VaccineInjury
#dtp #VaccineInjury #dangerousmedicine
別にパースが正確である必要はないから、わかりやすいモチーフぐらいは描けるようになりたい。。。 #dtp