I've been working on a big #DMsGuild project that includes a 5e version of the Binder. The Binder class in 3.5 used the sigils of demons in the Ars Goetia, so I decided to recreate these sigils for use in my project. I accidentally hyperfocused and made all 72(!) from the Ars Goetia. I thought they might be useful for others, so I created some variants and put them up on #DTRPG as stock art (or #VTT tokens). Enjoy! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/447839/Demon-Summoning-Sigils-from-the-Ars-Goetia?affiliate_id=60907
Ich gehe gerade Quellenmaterial über #Drachen in #RIFTS und #Palladium durch, um den #Drachenschlüpfling auszuarbeiten. Habe mir inzwischen zusätzlich den Quellenband über Götter und Drachen für #Palladium bei #DTRPG geholt.
Ich wiederhole mich, aber Drachen sind eine abgefahrene Sache für sich: magisch, interdimensional, extrem intelligent, machtvoll und eine Mischung aus drachischem und menschlichem Verhalten in der Form eines voll ausgestatteten, gefährlichen Raubtiers.
#drachen #rifts #palladium #drachenschlupfling #dtrpg #pnpde #rollenspiel
Gerade bei #DTRPG gesehen: Zig #ScienceFiction-#PocketQuest-Spiele – WTF! 😄
Ich bin verloren! 😄 #pnpde #Rollenspiel
#dtrpg #sciencefiction #pocketquest #pnpde #rollenspiel
Hab mir bei #DTRPG mal wieder was gekauft:
#BlackStar – ein regelleichtes #SpaceOpera-#Rollenspiel, basierend auf der FuriousGamesEngine. Die Illustrationen sind von der selben Person, die #TinyDungeons bebildert hat! (Cool!)
#Feminism – eine Anthologie von #Nanospielen
#dtrpg #Blackstar #spaceopera #rollenspiel #TinyDungeons #feminism #nanospielen #pnpde
Hab mir bei #DTRPG mal wieder was gekauft:
#Feminism – eine Anthologie von #Nanospielen
#BlackStar – ein regelleichtes #SpaceOpera-#Rollenspiel, basierend auf der FuriousGamesEngine
#dtrpg #feminism #nanospielen #Blackstar #spaceopera #rollenspiel #pnpde
Peep at the latest from Transient Press at #DTRPG, the newest system #agnostic listing is still pay-what-you-want for now, but it won't be forever!
#ttrpg #sale #PWYW #gamer #roleplay
#dtrpg #agnostic #ttrpg #sale #pwyw #gamer #roleplay
Today's take via #DTRPG 's GM's Day Sale, Part 2:
Nephilim - https://tinyurl.com/vbrzkbh6
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook - https://tinyurl.com/2hks65ns
The Magic Book - https://tinyurl.com/bdkejpad
Warlock! Three's Company - https://tinyurl.com/2x3n3uhp
Westlands: The God Wheel - https://tinyurl.com/2txcz8c9
None of these are referral links. Reviews will be coming.
Today's take via #DTRPG 's GM's Day Sale, Part 1:
A Rough Guide to Glamour - https://tinyurl.com/8xdv8wpy
Carcass Crawler Issue 1 - https://tinyurl.com/2n5wdfce
Crusaders - https://tinyurl.com/34pnv47m
Dune - Adventures in the Imperium: Sand and Dust - https://tinyurl.com/22ztn4m6
None of these are referral links. Reviews will be coming.
I think I've spend my last dollar at #DTRPG. I've had two support tickets open for a botched print, for two months now. One was closed without resolution, the other I've been trying to get ANYONE in support to even acknowledge it.
My final request for an update was not very polite. Too bad for them I guess, I've spent quite a bit of money there over the years.
Oh dang oh heck oh gosh. Kevin Crawford has launched his #Cyberpunk Kickstarter, Cities Without Number.
Do I go the offset print ($$$), or the #DTRPG POD.... The Atlas of the Latter Earth POD was pretty nice, but I got the SWN and WWN offset print books, and so I should complete the collection like that?
Gosh. It's just so expensive!
My latest #TTRPG haul, from #DriveThruRPG #DTRPG, helped in part by a Christmas Gift Certificate from my brother! Fan of everything @hellcowkeith does, and Kevin Crawford! And The Perilous Wilds gets mentioned by a lot of #soloRPG people, so I grabbed that too (and the monster on the cover is adorable).
(shout-out to @6foothalfling - I did get "The Atlas of the Latter Earth" after all :) )
Once again overseen by Jimothy the cat (exhibit A: https://dice.camp/@mattb/109514936571160230 )
#ttrpg #DriveThruRPG #dtrpg #soloRPG #catsofmastodon
To celebrate the release of the Ex Nove Third Party License, the game is now available at 25% off!
Grab it, and share your creations with us, be they cities, expansions or even brand new games 🌆
itchio: https://sharkbombs.itch.io/ex-novo
DTRPG: https://drivethrurpg.com/product/320563/Ex-Novo
Ex Novo site: https://www.sharkbombs.com/games/exnovo/
#dtrpg #itchio #city_builder #exNovo
I haven't looked at #savageworlds in a long time. Was burned out on it and when #SWADE Kickstarted. Just now finished reading it and it sounds fun again. Asked for #SavagePathfinder for Christmas. Let's see how this develops. Had a look at #SWAG on #dtrpg and am overwhelmed. So much stuff. Awesome. Maybe #SWADE will find a place at the virtual table again.
#savageworlds #swade #SavagePathfinder #swag #dtrpg
Yeah, as you may have guessed from the username, I'm quite into #worldbuilding and the odd bit of #RPGHacking and #RPGHomebrew
I use #LevelUpA5e because it let's me use adventures and material from #dmsguild and #DTRPG whilst providing luxurious #GMSupport. 😀
I also like that I don't need to run kitchen sink fantasy all the time and can be a bit more focused whilst preserving player choice. :)
#worldbuilding #rpghacking #rpghomebrew #levelupa5e #dmsguild #dtrpg #gmsupport
Our games are 25% off on #itchio and #dtrpg _and_ 2-for-1 on itch! Get them both there for $2! https://itch.io/s/81310/november-2022-creator-day-sale https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/23349/Single-Stage-to-Orbit-Press