Katherine Bertelsen · @KatherineInCode
129 followers · 325 posts · Server hachyderm.io

Also, I have figured out a great way to leverage two screens. My left (auxiliary) screen has an window with the file and canvas open to preview the view. My right (main) screen has an Xcode window with the file and other support files split between two panes as a general working space.

It’s great having the preview, but also feeling like I can look at multiple different code files at once.

#xcode #swiftui #UIKit #iosdev #dualmonitors

Last updated 2 years ago

Use a USB-C dock for work, and for the longest time, I couldn't get to use the second monitor. But today I figured it out! Apparently, you just need to follow the instructions. LOL! (That's never been my strength)


#arch #linux #archlinux #computers #dualmonitors #targus #displaylink #usbchub

Last updated 2 years ago