Does reflective thinking predict #physics question performance above and beyond understanding physics concepts?
This dissertation found two physics problems in which performance was predicted by reflection test performance, even when controlling for performance on related problems (among about 80 physics students).
Choices of 3 of the 5 "groups [were] predicted through the application of [#dualProcessTheories of reasoning]":
#physics #dualprocesstheories #decisionscience #edu #psychometrics
On The Reception And Detection Of Pseudo-Profound Bullsh*t
-- <-- shared 2015 paper
[it would be interesting to see what the author of this 2015 paper thought about what ChatGPT, AI in general, etc is ‘bringing to the table’ in this regard]
“It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullsh*t requires no such conviction.” – Harry Frankfurt
#bullshit #bullshitdetection #dualprocesstheories #analyticthinking #supernaturalbeliefs #religiosity #conspiratorial ideation #alternativemedicine #homeopathy #claims #conspiracy
#bullshit #bullshitdetection #dualprocesstheories #analyticthinking #supernaturalbeliefs #religiosity #conspiratorialideation #alternativemedicine #homeopathy #claims #conspiracy #conspiracytheories #AI #chatgpt #aichatbot #artificialintelligence #artificialintelligencetechnology #misinformation #fraud #scams #scam #judgement #dunningkruger #skepticism
#bullshit #bullshitdetection #dualprocesstheories #analyticthinking #supernaturalbeliefs #religiosity #conspiratorial #alternativemedicine #homeopathy #claims #conspiracy #conspiratorialideation #conspiracytheories #AI #chatgpt #aichatbot #artificialintelligence #artificialintelligencetechnology #misinformation #fraud #scams #Scam #judgement #dunningkruger #skepticism