Hot off the presses, my latest. If I could include 'Bell Bottom Blues' like 10 times in my Daily Records playlist, I would
LAYLA AND OTHER ASSORTED LOVE SONGS by Derek and the Dominos #music #blues #DailyRecords #EricClapton #DuaneAllman #Layla #DerekAndTheDominos
#derekandthedominos #layla #duaneallman #ericclapton #dailyrecords #blues #Music
23 jaar
20 november 1946-29 oktober 1971
Amerikaans gitarist en mede-oprichter, samen met zijn jongere broer #GreggAllman, van de band #TheAllmanBrothers. De broers speelden al samen in de band #TheHourglass.
Hij wordt genoemd als één van de beste gitaristen ooit, met als hoogtepunt het album The Allman Brothers Band at Fillmore East.
Op 29 oktober 1971 heeft hij een ongeluk met zijn motor en overleeft de klap tegen een truck die plots stopt niet
#duaneallman #greggallman #theallmanbrothers #thehourglass #gonetoosoon
The only "#afterlife" I'd ever be interested in would include a small, smoky comedy club where I could catch a triple-bill and hang out with #LennyBruce, #RichardPryor and #GeorgeCarlin. Serious bonus points if the house band is led by #DuaneAllman.
#duaneallman #georgecarlin #RichardPryor #lennybruce #afterlife
Boz Scaggs
(Atlantic, 1969)
2nd only to Sil Degrees.
Fresh off of 2 killer albums with the Steve Miller Band in 68, Boz records his Atlantic debut at Muscle Shoals.
Allman Brothers aficionados shouldn't miss this one as Brother Duane is everywhere on this very bluesy, soulful album - his extended solo on Loan Me Dime is among his best recordings.
#vinyl #nowspinning #bozscaggs #duaneallman
#vinyl #NowSpinning #bozscaggs #duaneallman
It's a beautiful day. I've been enjoying an #AllmanBrothers set while out rambling.
#NowPlaying #BlueSky #EatAPeach #DuaneAllman #DickeyBetts
#dickeybetts #duaneallman #eatapeach #bluesky #NowPlaying #allmanbrothers
A few years ago, #DannyGotham and I were invited to perform at a tribute to #DuaneAllman. Here we are warming up back stage with our rendition of #LittleMartha. #dobro #AllmanBrothers #mastomusic #SlideGuitar #SteelGuitar #AcousticMusic
#dannygotham #duaneallman #littlemartha #dobro #allmanbrothers #mastomusic #slideguitar #steelguitar #acousticmusic
The Best Slide Guitar Player: Duane Allman – FuelRocks